Re-evaluate and re-examine your purpose. By re-evaluating and re-examining your life, you will receive the good feelings, the inspirations, and the revelations to take you to the next level you long for in your soul.
Believe in your abilities. You are not human if you have not had the desire to do, then immediately had distinct feelings of inadequacy. For some strange reason, we doubt ourselves before we believe in our abilities. As your true potential is unknown, keep discovering who you are by unwavering belief in yourself.
Plan, visualize, imagine, and 'picturerise' your future. The majority of individuals wants success but expect it to come through the hoping and wishing process. However, the attainment of your personal dreams with great triumphs over the rock bed of inertia do not happen without detailed planning.
Use ink, the missing link. After your visualization process, you may wonder why you are not on target. You may have omitted the "inking" part or the writing component of the planning process. By "inking" the goal, you embed permanent pictures in your subconscious mind for you to access any time you choose, permitting you to renew your passion and energy.
Move into motion. Individuals often miss opportunities because opportunity is disguised as work - work that requires exertion and perspiration.
Be resolute and determined. As you work through the year, you will hit snags, have setbacks, miss promotions, lose sales, etc. Your personal resolve is more important than any New Year's resolution. Resolve is the personal power to follow through on the goals you committed to mentally and emotionally, to continue to pursue the purpose and objectives you visualized and "picturized" when the New Year dawned. It is the personal power to stay the course in spite of opposition or resistance.
Do it daily! In achieving any worthy objective, there must be consistency in the amount of hard work you put in; an hour here and a day there just isn't going to do it. Even a week of sustained effort doesn't bring results. You need months and years of daily, sustained sweat equity. – Karla Brandan