I feel comfortable because I can see, hear, smell, think, walk and do work as most of you. But when I think of people who cannot see, hear, smell, think, walk and do work, I feel sorry for them. Why are they like that? This foolish question often appears in my mind. The disability they face in life creates real difficulty to live comfortably. Still, those people have more will power to excel in actions, their talents and skills. They have been given special considerations by the Governments to equate with the normal people like us. We help them whenever and wherever possible. However, some of us do not think of them, but ignore. It is sad to see those unfortunate people-who are either children or youths or elders. Many charity organizations have taken up their causes and help them systematically to show them how to live a comfortable life. Disability may be from birth or at any stage of growth due to accidents. How to help them? There are many ways by which we can do. Only thing we need is a will to do something for these fellow human beings. They should be also healthy and happy like us to make a better society. Think of a way today and act.