Bad things happen in everyone’s life every time. We absorb them and move on. Similarly good things also happen. We do enjoy them and move on towards the future experiencing some more good things as and when they happen. That’s what happens in everyone’s life on earth. Most of us attribute some reasons for such happenings. One of the reasons comes from astrology based on our date and time of birth. It states that there are good and bad times in one’s life. No one in this world has good time throughout his/her life. Evidently we do see with our own eyes such happenings in the life of our friends, relatives and in our own life itself. How far it is really linked with our date and time of birth is known only to the astrologers who are found every where on earth. Some say that each individual is responsible for his/her bad or good things. That means, the behavior and action of a person determine these things.
Another view is that the happenings in one’s life are due to the ancestors’ action. Sometimes we find fault with time. During good time only good things happen and during bad time bad things happen. Whatever may be the reason, one who undergoes these things has to take them with courage and determination. Not many have the courage to take in bad things whereas they can easily absorb good things happily. Great men and women take things easy and try to pacify themselves and even others to instill courage at testing times. Bad things may be illness, death, accidents, breakage of relationships, failures etc. Good things are healthy life, well-being, marriage, child-birth, success etc. But bad things are shared with our dear ones to get consolation. Time paves the way out for bad things. Only thing is that we need to search for it. The necessity to come out of bad things often makes us to think and find out some measures which may be opt or not opt for the concerned things. Still people are on the look out for finding out solutions to problems which bother them on and off. Such challenges are the ones which make our life worth living. Life without challenges is not a life at all. Therefore bad and good things make our life active by making us sad or happy. We have to accept this fact of life to live in this world.