The following suggestions may be
helpful for a person who finds that they are struggling with low self-esteem:
It starts with a
decision to be your own person. Don’t live your life to please, or to impress,
someone else.
Don’t compare your
path or journey to someone else’s journey as we start from different places and
face different challenges.
Be kind,
understanding and patient with yourself. Accept that failures and mistakes are
part of everybody’s life. Also, choose to frame mistakes as learning
Make a list of
what you’re good at, and keep adding to the list. Also, note the strengths that
others see, and comment on, as well.
Treat yourself
with respect and praise the things that you do well. Don’t write them off as
“nothing”, or as being “no big deal”.
Spend time with
those who like you, and can see your worth and value … And, ignore those who
attack you, and would like to see you fail.
7. Admit your mistakes - then learn to
laugh at yourself. It helps remove the pressure and the stress of “being