Tuesday, May 30, 2017



JUNE 2017







Prof. T. V. Chalam,

Assoc. Dean, ANGRAU (Retd.),

Director, Sri Lakshmi Educational Institutions,

Narsingraopet, Kurnool – 518 004; Ph. 9642657742

for sponsoring Sept. 2016 to Aug. 2017 issues.


Presidents...every country in the world has one of them. They are either elected or appointed according to the country’s constitution. It is a prestigious post. Mostly politicians are preferred to head the country as President because they only know the trade of the trick. They have enormous power but those are subjected to some kind of checks. Any one - male or female can become President of a country depending on his/her social contributions and popularity among the people. In a democracy, the post of President is only for a limited period whereas in a non-democratic country it is for life-long. The President, a supreme VVIP is considered to be the ceremonial person who gives away hundreds of awards to the reputed citizens every year.

Presidents are consulted for every rule/law/order the parliament passes. If the President approves it, then it becomes the law of the land. Presidents are allowed to bring in ordinances at any time if need arises, but they are only for a short period of time, then they have to be approved by the elected members of the Parliament. Thus the President’s power is subjected to a sort of control.

In every democracy, there is a President who is supreme for the country and under his control there are Governors for the States. Governors are generally appointed by the President in consultation with the party in power in the concerned State. Usually no young person is appointed in this post. Some Governors are docile and some are troublesome to the ruling state governments. These Governors are supposed to send reports to the President about the state governments periodically. Invariably Governors do not interfere with the activities of the state governments. The President and his Governors live lavishly in huge Palaces in the capital cities with big offices, advisors and thousands of subordinates. Also they will have security persons to take care of them. These forces are special in many ways. Wherever the President or Governors go the security forces accompany them. These forces will have special colourful costumes. One can see them in action at the Republic Day celebrations every year.

In fact, every organization has leaders called President or they are called in some other names. Generally they will have good experience in their specialized field. However, they do not have the same status as the President or Governor of a country. They are paid huge salary and provided all the facility a human being required. Honorary Presidents are also found in certain organizations. I was in fact the President of a National Scientific Society called Indian Society of Plant Physiology for a period of two years. Then I was the Vice-President of the same Society for another two years. Of course it was purely honorary! No pay! I considered it as a honour rather than hard work that was being carried out by the General Secretary of the Society.

So Presidents are of different types, depending on the kind of organization they head. If you are fortunate, you’ll reach this top-class post for a specified term. I think Governors do not have a term. They can stay on as long as they live or removed by another party in power. Fortunate people indeed! As Chancellors of Universities Governors have important roles to select Vice-Chancellors – the administrative heads of the varsities and also participate in the convocation ceremonies. What a job! Safe and secured! I envy them as most of you do!


A mind that seeks truth is better than a mind that is filled with delusion. No matter if the truth is pleasant or painful; the truth – in the long run – is what sets us free from ignorance. Many people ignore fact and evidence that go against their assumptions, prejudices, and desires. They aren’t willing to admit when they are wrong. And they cling to a world view that isn’t congruent with the reality around them because they aren’t ready to accept it yet.


Overwhelmed - For that overwhelmed feeling, remember to line your tasks and projects up one by one. Once your tasks and projects are lined up in a sequential order that makes sense given your deadlines, break them down into logical steps. Next, identify the first step: an instant start-up task. An instant start up task is something that will only take you 3-5 minutes. Once you dive into a small 3-5 minutes task, you will become so engaged that moving through the next, longer two and sometime three steps is child's play.

Resistance to Authority - Getting even with a manager by turning in work later than requested or expected never works. It sabotages you! Face it - no one likes being told what to do because as freedom seeking beings we value our autonomy. A pretty normal human reaction to authority is to rebel much like the child in school who resists what parents, teachers and principals tell them to do.As an adult in the workplace we can see this resistance to authority as it is: childish. Exercise your autonomy: Make a conscious choice to do the work, finish on time and produce excellent quality. This will earn respect.

Victim Syndrome - Victimhood will never be a productive state to work in. Thinking you are a victim slows your mental acuity and destroys your decision making ability. To eliminate victimhood, use the technique that works for resistance to authority. Say to yourself, "I choose to do this!" Watch the difference it makes in your energy level, your attitude, and your resolve to finish.

Perfectionism - Those who have the mindset that every single phrase, word, and formatting decision must be perfect are often frozen into procrastination by their perfectionism. They resist starting because trying to make every single detail perfect gives them burnout. Accept the fact that you are human and will make errors and misjudgements. These can be fixed when they are pointed out. Remember that those who aim for excellence produce exceptional work while those who aim for absolute perfection become neurotic. - Karla Brandau,


1. The future is not fixed. Until you experience it, the future remains as an array of possibilities with a "most likely" scenario based on what holds the greatest energy.

2. Viewing the future can change the outcome. Even a 100% accurate view of the most likely scenario will trigger questions about whether you want that scenario to manifest, and that change can influence the outcome. This can give the illusion of inaccuracy in the original prediction.

3. Inner impressions come into your awareness through your imagination. However, a fertile imagination can create images on its own, almost for pure entertainment. True impressions of a future event arrive while you are in a meditative state, or sometimes while performing a monotonous task such as driving at a constant speed. They don't fire up with the great energy of a dramatic imagination. They slip in quietly and have to be examined and unravelled to see what each impression contains.

4. When you first start scanning the future, your predictions will be less accurate than they will become later, after constant practice.

Before you speak, listen.

Before you write, think.

Before you spend, earn.

Before you invest, investigate.

Before you quit, try.

Before you pray, forgive.

Before you criticize, wait.

Before you retire, save.

Before you die, give. – William A. Ward.


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity
and I’m not sure about the former – Albert Einstein

Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a
person isn’t the way they actually are. – John Green

Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to
keep you from growing, you get to choose. – Wayne Dyer


Raju: I haven’t slept all nite in the train.

Friend : Why?

Raju : Got upper berth.

Friend : Why don’t you exchanged?

Raju : OYE, There was nobody to exchange in the lower berth..

Mrs. Jasbir Singh was in the habit of having long conversation on the telephone, sometimes going on over an hour.

One day she hung up after 25 minutes….

“What is the matter today?” asked her husband. “Today you had less than half an hour conversation on the phone.”

“I got a wrong number,” replied Mrs. Jasbir Singh.


Ø  Most of what we fear never comes true.

Ø  Most of us cannot tolerate slowness.

Ø  Most of us avoid self-punishment, even if it is for a good cause.

Ø  Most of us are reluctant to openly expose our weaknesses.

Ø  Most scams are spawned by obligations.

Do simple things in a manner never done before!

Meet you next month –July, 2017

Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 098422 42301



Tuesday, May 2, 2017




MAY, 2017







Prof. T. V. Chalam,
Assoc. Dean, ANGRAU (Retd.),

Director, Sri Lakshmi Educational Institutions, Narsingraopet, Kurnool – 518 004;

Ph. 9642657742

for sponsoring Sept. 2016 to Aug. 2017 issues.


I am really proud to say that our country – India is home for infinite variety of crops. You name a crop, it is there. Major crops like rice and wheat, maize and sorghum, pulses like pigeon pea, chickpea, green and black grams, oilseeds like groundnut, sesame, sunflower, safflower, fibre crops like cotton, jute, silk cotton etc. and plantation crops like rubber, coffee, tea too. In this respect our country is great unlike certain other countries in receiving plenty of sunshine which is an important input for all crops for growth and development. The biodiversity both in humans and flora and fauna is extensive in our country. No one can deny that India is basically an agricultural country with millions of farmers who toil with indigenous tools in their or other’s fragmented fields.

Field work is always strenuous and hard. Hard work needs body stamina and physical strength. Physically one has to be fit to do the field work. However farming is harming many farmers because of the hazardous chemicals they use to protect the crops from diseases and insect pests. Indiscriminate use of pesticides has created havoc for the health of farmers and farm labours.

Realizing all these, the agricultural scientists advise the farmers not to go for the poisonous pesticides which are sold in agri-shops all over the country. There is no one to prescribe the pesticide as our medical doctors who diagnose our disease and accordingly prescribe the medicine needed. The pesticides are bought across the counter by the advice of the shop owners whose main aim is to dispose of the outdated stuff. Thus farming in India is not well organized as in advanced countries. Farmers go by seeing other farmers who make money by growing new crops. Blindly they grow crops without a link to the market. Huge production of a crop produce brings down the price considerably and farmers incur huge loss.

Without water there is no plant life and so farming crops consume large quantity of water to yield better. Lack of rain creates drought that limits crop growth and yield. So farming that provides food for all depends on so many factors. Farmers take risk as challenge! And try their best to cultivate crops and save humanity. Animals too need water and food. They are part of farming. How come we are not making sound farming policy to improve Indian farming in the technologically developed country? Someone hear me? If ‘yes’ please take action.


We live in a globalized world. We eat foods produced across the globe; we use electronics whose components come from dozens of places around the world; we can communicate instantaneously with anyone anywhere who has a computer with
   wi fi or a cell phone.

With globalization has come awareness. We can quickly know about the conditions under which people live and work in other countries. We can find out about the plight of other species, or about pollution or deforestation. If the nightly news doesn't report on these issues, we can discover them through our computers in minutes. Knowing so much changes us. Or at least has the potential to change us. It enables us to be less tribal, provincial, and self-cantered; to think of others outside our family, neighbourhood, and even nation; to dwell as often on those we affect as on what affects us.

This is a good thing, but it's not an easy thing. Being aware of global atrocities, suffering, and destruction is hard and requires commitment, will, and effort. Being focused primarily on oneself and one's family, friends, and associates comes more naturally and easily. After all, we've evolved with this tribal mentality for millennia.

The problem is that this sort of modern tribalism backfires in a globalized world. We are not only complicit in the warming of our planet, the toxins entering our waterways, the exploitation of others in distant lands, which breeds conflict, resentment, and hostility; we are also ultimately negatively affected by these things. – Zoe Weil


1. Give up your need to always be right

There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. It’s just not worth it. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question: “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?” Wayne Dyer. What difference will that make? Is your ego really that big?

2. Give up your need for control

Be willing to give up your need to always control everything that happens to you and around you – situations, events, people, etc. Whether they are loved ones, coworkers, or just strangers you meet on the street – just allow them to be. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are and you will see how much better will that make you feel.

3. Give up on blame

Give up on your need to blame others for what you have or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility for your life.

4. Give up your self-defeating self-talk

Oh my. How many people are hurting themselves because of their negative, polluted and repetitive self-defeating mindset? Don’t believe everything that your mind is telling you – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating. You are better than that.

5. Give up your limiting beliefs

From now on, you are no longer going to allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly!


Filling out a credit card application my friend came upon a question “what is your source of income?” He wrote ATM.

A wealthy 75-year-old widower starts showing up around town with a beautiful and much younger wife. ‘How did you get her to marry you?’ his friend asks.

‘I lied about my age.’

‘You told her you were 60?’

‘No, I told her I was 90.’

When my son was visiting, I complained that my TV wasn’t as bright as sharp as usual. He worked on it during the afternoon and that night we turned the set on.

‘What did you do?’ I said happily, ‘Everything looks great.’

He replied, ‘I wiped the screen.’


Life doesn’t make sense without interdependence we need each other and the sooner we learn that the better for us all. – Erik Erikson

Time is priceless but it is free. You can’t own it, you can use it. You can spend it. Once you lost it you can never get it back. – Audrey Niffenegger

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower – Albert Camus


1.       Trying to please everyone

2.       Fearing change

3.       Living in the past

4.       Over thinking

5.       Putting yourself down


Ø  In order to be liked or respected, you need to work hard.

Ø  In order to build self-control you must deny yourself.

Ø  In order to develop a new behaviour, we may have to weaken the old habit.

Ø  In politics today’s winner is tomorrow’s loser.

Without cruelty there is no mercy!

Meet you next month – June, 2017


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 098422 42301