Friday, July 31, 2020





Prof. S. Thamburaj Ph.D

Former Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, TNAU, Coimbatore
11, Vaiyapuri Illam, Sabapathy Road, Saibaba Colony
Coimbatore 641 038, ph. 96007 39443




The pre-budget Economic Survey of Government of India indicated that the theme of Budget – 2020 was Wealth Creation. Economics of a country depends mainly on the creation of wealth. India’s economy was (and is) in the downward trend. So, suitable measures were taken to improve economic situations at various levels. Businesses largely depend on the annual budget that touches the lives of everyone in India directly or indirectly. So the date of budget presentation by the Finance Minister is important to all. After the budget presentation, a good number of financial experts discuss and analyze the implication of the budget on the economy of the country.
Wealthy persons are powerful and well recognized by common people. So who does not want wealth? Since wealth can give a comfortable life, we are all after this wonderful asset of wealth. So we have to earn wealth by hard work, for which jobs have to be available or created at various levels. Wealth is generally created either legally or illegally. Rich people are wealthy. They have an abundance of wealth in the form of assets like properties, money, material goods, and luxury items. In fact, many professionals depend on wealthy people and vice versa. It is well known that legally created wealth is safe. Such wealth may not be so large as the illegally earned wealth. According to rule optimum wealth is always better. Too much of anything is always too bad, so also wealth.
Big businesses create abundant wealth. They do invest their wealth in future projects and make more wealth. Wealth in the form of gold and gold ornaments is also accumulated in large quantities and locked up in bank lockers. Such wealth is no use to the country. In some cases, currency notes of the high denomination are stacked in gunny bags and stored in undisclosed places for future use. Most of these assets are illegal wealth or black money. The government is searching for such assets and the persons responsible for it. 
 In a country like India, we see people in politics, businesses, film world, corporate, and in many other walks of life make wealth illegally. It is an easy way to create and accumulate wealth. By misusing power, one can earn more money. Favoring someone yields a good amount of money/ there are many ways people can illegally create wealth. Some of them invest their wealth to create more wealth. Such investments may be in real-estates, educational institutions, modern hospitals, new start-ups, businesses, and the like. So illegally created wealth is also useful for society at times.

Governments are also interested in creating wealth and they help the people to create more and more wealth legally, for which they formulate various policies and projects. Those who follow them will get benefits. However, when the pre-budget Economic Survey announced that the main theme of Budget 2020 was wealth creation, in the budget speech I did not come across the theme of wealth creation. Looking into the Budget 2020, it appears that the budget has given enough opportunities for creating wealth. For whom? – is the big question! - NARA


Education should have two objects first, to give definite knowledge – reading and writing, language and mathematics, and so on, secondly, to create those mental habits which will enable people to acquire knowledge and form sound judgments for themselves. The first of these we may call information, the second intelligence. – Bertrand Russel


The freest phenomenon that exists is information and the Internet advances freedom of information on a global scale.

The Internet is a common platform, a place available to the public similar to any area of a town; it belongs to everybody. The only difference is that the Internet is the largest common space that has ever been created. The Internet allows for all who want to be heard to access the Internet and say the world is their audience. As diverse as humanity is, that is how large the worldwide audience will be. Since all of the world's population is the audience, no one community or group can dictate what kind of thought or speech is permitted on the Internet.

The robust architecture of the Internet allows the principle of freedom of speech to be part and parcel of the Internet. Due to its robust design, a complete blockage of information on the Internet is nearly impossible. Only in very controlled and limited circumstances can information be blocked. This is true with regard to a home computer when information is to be blocked from children, a firewall can be installed to block certain sites.

If one believes in the progress of civilization, and that this progress depends on the ability to express speech thought and new ideas, freedom of speech is the greatest value that society can encourage. By using the Internet, people have become more and more convinced about the importance of that freedom, because of their personal experience with the World Wide Web. Not only does the Internet afford universal freedom of speech, but it also provides access to different opinions and thoughts and allows people to form their own conclusion and express their own feelings.


1.      Don’t worry. Worry is the least productive of all human activities and thoughts.
2.      Don’t let needless fears preoccupy your life. Most of the things we fear never happen.
3.      Don’t hold grudges. That is one of the biggest and most unnecessary weights we carry through our lives.
4.      Take on one problem at a time. It’s the only way to handle things anyway, one by one.
5.      Don’t take your problems to bed with you. They are bad and unhealthy companions for good natural sleep and rest.
6.      Don’t take on the problems of other people. They are better equipped to handle their own problems than you are.
7.      Don’t live in the past. It will always be there in your memories to enjoy...but don’t cling to it. Concentrate on what is happening right now in your life...and you will be happy in the present also...not just the past.
8.      Be a good listener. It is only when one listens...that one gets and learns ideas different from one’s own.
9.      Do not let frustration ruin and rule your life. Self-pity more than anything...interferes with positive actions...with moving forwards in our lives.
10.   Count your blessings. Don’t ever forget the smallest blessings. As many small blessings add up to large ones.


Wife: Who among us, you think, is stupid?
    Husband: Everyone knows that you are very intelligent. Otherwise, you would have married a stupid fellow.

 A farmer had a problem with apple theft from his garden. So he wisely put a board- “One of the apples in this garden is poisoned”.  The next day he was perplexed to see the board corrected as “two apples in this garden are poisoned.”

Sent by Dr. Napoothiri


Everyone likes to ‘stand out’ in society. ‘Standing out’ has become a lifestyle of all urbanites who earn lots of money legally or illegally through business or politics. The earned money is spent to achieve the style of ‘standing out.’ There are lot of things available in the market to make anyone ‘stand out’. Costly dresses, cars, houses, jewels, etc. are sold in fashionable shops. Sometimes loans are also available from financials to make it easier to acquire all these things. The desire to ‘stand out’ is in the minds of everyone – young and old. ‘I am better than others,’ is the mind-set of human beings. Of course, it’s positive thinking that gives the confidence and courage to progress. ‘Standing out’ as a first-class student in a class or a sportsperson or an actor or a leader is not easy. It comes out of hard work and good habits and behavior.


Ø  New technologies are introduced and adopted only when the benefits outweigh the risks.
Ø  New technologies have to radically change the social, cultural, and economical landscape of human connections.
Ø  New worlds open up to you when you get to know new people.

When life gives you lemons – make lemonade!

Meet you next month –2020


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile: 75399 15614

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


JULY 2020


Prof. S. Thamburaj Ph.D
Former Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, TNAU, Coimbatore
11, Vaiyapuri Illam, Sabapathy Road, Saibaba Colony
Coimbatore 641 038, ph. 96007 39443




It is a general feeling that life was very slow in the past. But slowly and slowly it became fast, faster, and fastest. Today everything is moving fast. Speed has taken over distance. In the 1930s and 1940s, I was walking to school barefoot. I used to start at my house much earlier. Later on, walking was replaced by bicycles, school vans, hired, or shared vehicles to reach the school faster. Humans never stopped their thinking. Always they invented something faster.
If we see the development of transportation bicycles can go at a maximum speed of 130 kph, a bike 340 kph, car 300 kph, train 574 kph, ship 164 kph, airplane 805 kph, and a rocket 10,330 kph. With these unimaginable speeds distance is conquered to a considerable extent. As speed increases, we move faster and faster. As we move faster, accidents are also inevitable. Accidents do occur even in a slow world, maybe less in number.
Take, for example, the sportsmen and women who make world records in their speed to conquer the distance. Running race, car race, cycle race, bike race, swimming, rowing, and many more sports try to catch up the distance at minimum time. So speed, time and distance are the three factors we like to overpower in a sport. Winning a game on stipulated time and space is the basic aim of man as far as the sports world is concerned.
Even in our daily life, our activities are faster due to the availability of many gadgets or devices. Fastest life requires enormous energy and physical health. One has to plan and carry out the plan according to schedule. Multitasking is one way we increase the speed of life. Everybody wants to do things as quickly as possible and also everyone wants to get cured as fast as possible. No one has time to wait. In order to get the work done immediately, one tries to influence people by bribing them. So, a faster life also brings in corruption in our society. That is what we see and experience today. High expectations and ambitions in life always push us to a fast life.
 Even we look for faster recovery from disease and illness. Modern medicines help us to recover faster as compared to traditional medicines. As we move faster we are subjected to many innumerable accidents and illnesses. They are part of our life. Some people are fortunate to escape from such unfortunate incidents in life, whereas others are the victims who suffer and depend on advanced medical aid in super-specialty hospitals which help them by faster recovery.
The faster life requires more money; hence we are all after earning as much money as possible. To accelerate faster life, industries have sprung up all over the world. They make pieces of equipment and transport vehicles at high speed. Most of us spend our money to buy those gadgets to speed up our life. The mania for speed and faster life will not leave the minds of mankind. Everyone in this world moves fast and wants to run faster. No one can put a stop to it because one considers that fast life is the progress of our civilization. How fast are we going to be? - is the question many of us may ask. But there is no one to answer this question because time alone can decide about the desire of human beings. Slow life in a faster world is always dangerous. So be careful! Try to be fast too. - NARA


Industrial leaders have belted the entire country with good roads, this bringing into close communion the people of both city and country. They have converted ores into steel; with which they have built the skeletons of great skyscrapers. They have harnessed electrical power and converted into a thousand uses, all designed to give the man time to think. They have provided through the automobile personal transportation the humblest citizen, thus giving to everyone the freedom of travel. They have provided every home with instantaneous news of what is happening in all parts of the world through the aid of radio. (Now TV, smartphone, satellite, and internet) –Napoleon Hill


1.      Try to be as natural as you can when you’re with others just be “you”. Don’t put on a false self and try to be someone you’re not. Accept your flaws and imperfections – as everyone has them anyway.
2.      Listen carefully when others are speaking. Give them your full and undivided attention. And really listen when other people re speaking: don’t just act as if you’re interested in them.
3.      If you say or do something that’s inept or stupid, then be the first to laugh at you. Also, don’t blame others if you do something wrong – you’ll be much more respected if you say that it was you.
4.      Be quick to notice and to show appreciation for other people, and what they do for you. Also, notice their successes and the things that they do well, and praise them openly, so others know as well. (But don’t usually flattery as it sounds insincere!)
5.      Be honest (but tactful) when you’re asked for your opinion. That sends the message that usually speaks the truth.
6.      Look for ways that you can help other people, as genuine people are sensitive and caring. As a side effect, it will likely boost your mood – and others will be drawn by your mood – and others will be drawn by your inner happiness.


1) Get a massage. Besides its relaxing properties, the touch involved in massage creates warmth in your body and releases the chemical oxytocin—also known as the cuddle hormone.
2) Eat chickpeas (or other beans). Chickpeas have an amino acid that makes you happy, and beans keep your sugar levels steady throughout the day.
3) Install more windows in your house. Getting enough exposure to the sun has been proven to be crucial to happiness and well-being.
4) Drink coffee. Studies in Brazil showed that people who drink coffee every day are less likely to suffer from depression. Coffee is the world’s most popular mood-enhancing drug but remembers to drink in moderation.
5) Eat more spinach. Popeye's favorite green is packed with folic acid, an important vitamin that boosts serotonin production.
6) Eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Certain kinds of fish like salmon or sardines have Omega-3, which is known to elevate mood levels—high doses are even used to treat depression.
7) Eat more colorful fruits and vegetables. They contain antioxidants that help remove toxins from our bodies that cause stress and aging.
8) Put some strawberries in your breakfast. The smell of strawberries is known to invigorate and energize.
9) Drink hot mint tea. The scent of fresh mint is energizing and the steam will perk you up.


Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot – Charlie Chaplin

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. – Winston Churchill

Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things. – Peter Drucker

Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results – George S Patton

Whatever is impressed is expressed. - Aristotle


I’m 82 and like to dress nicely whenever I got out. One morning I dressed a new peach-hued golf shirt and navy – blue Bermudas. I thought I looked pretty sharp. While standing in line at the dell counter, an attractive young woman approached me and asked “Do you mind if I take a picture?” Surprised and flattered, I replied, “of course not.” As I struck a casual pose and gave her a wide smile, she took a picture of my flashy four-wheel walker. “I have been looking for something like this for my grandfather, “she said, “Thank you very much.”


Ø  Capture moments of simple perfection.
Ø  Cast out the mental picture of past mistakes.
Ø  Cause and effect exist in living systems in general and in man, as well as in the physical - universe, but not everything is predictable.
Ø  Challenge is what drives us to turn dreams into reality.

Fear is the enemy of happiness...!

Meet you next month –2020


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile: 75399 15614