I am strong and healthy.
I can accomplish anything I desire.
I am young and vital, and my body now responds with new energy and vitality to do all my tasks today.
I am happy, happy, happy.
I find joy in my work and my life sparkles with interest and happiness.
I have faith in myself, my work and my destiny.
I now extend this faith to the entire world.
I am successful, well-liked, and attract friends to myself.
I now radiate confidence, poise and inner power.
I love everyone I meet, and they will in turn love me.
I am rich as any millionaire; with gifts of mental and physical health, free estates of parks, and the golden gifts of friendship, love, peace, happiness and beauty.
Whenever you feel tired or discouraged, or your energy is low, just stop whatever you are doing, breathe deeply for ten or fifteen times, say all of the above energy-boosters, and really mean them, then you will see how quickly your mind recovers its sharpness, and your body becomes filled with new energy and vitality. - Anthony Norvel
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