An idle mind is like a warm damp place where unhappy thoughts and feelings, like bacteria, grow and multiply out of control. How do you stop your mind from being idle? The best use of an idle mind is thinking about a purpose. And if you’re actively working on a purpose, there’s nothing to worry about, because the purpose and the task at hand will organize your mind and keep your attention too occupied to worry.
But when you’re not actively working, when you’re driving somewhere or waiting in line or taking a shower, or lying in bed waiting for sleep, that’s when to start thinking about a purpose of yours. If you have an overriding goal, that’s the one to choose.
Think about how you’re going to get it done. Think about the advantages of accomplishing it. Think about why you want to accomplish it, and think up new reasons. Think about better and more efficient ways of accomplishing the goal. Ponder the goal. Mull it over purposefully. And if nothing else, use your goal as a slogan and repeat it over and over. This itself, you will notice, brings up new ideas that can help you. – Adam Khan
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