‘What to talk?’ and ‘What not to talk?’ in a conversation or meeting is really important for keeping food relation with fellow human beings. Only people who have the attitude of understanding the feeling of others will think before they talk something to others. We need to know the person first either by his appearance or by his character. He or she may be economically poor or rich, educationally literate or illiterate, shy or bold etc., These characteristics are essential before we decide what to talk to this person. If we talk about the wealth we have and the rich way of life to a poor person who will not relish it. Not only that it will sow the seed of displeasure in his mind, he may think that he is not fortunate to have all those wealth other s have. That means we are making him unhappy. Not all persons take it in this manner. But most of them, in their mind think this way only. Some people have a habit of telling always big about themselves and their family and derive pleasure out of it. I feel it is injuring the minds of others. What to talk to others or to an audience is very important for everyone. We do know some people address a meeting without taking into consideration the interest of the audience. If we take care, we can be a good speaker. A speaker should in fact, know what to talk and what not to talk. We should not talk about our success stories to a person who has failed in all his attempts in life. In stead, we should give less importance to our success and encourage him or she by saying that failure is the first step to success. It needs patience and care to share one’s experience with others. Everyone generally talks personal matters to only one’s close friends or relatives not to everybody. Here again one decides about what to talk?
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