Killing animals by man is called hunting which is being carried out for pleasure and heroism, but man killing men mercilessly is known as terrorism which is performed for the pleasure of certain group of people called terrorists. Today in our civilized society more than hunting, terrorism is going on unabatedly. Hunting of animals is hated by animal lovers and laws are brought to book hunters whereas special laws are passed in parliament to punish the terrorists who have no respect for laws. Terrorists have no heart, no mind and no goal. There are terrorist organizations involved in training young people by brain washing. The tempo of training has improved over time and modern ammunitions and communication technology are being used to mass murder human beings who are innocent. Common people on the street, in hotels, in religious places are the victims for no fault of theirs. When the World Trade Centre at the U. S. was attacked, everyone in the world was shocked to see good numbers of innocent people were killed. Similarly the Mumbai attack on star hotels killed people from abroad as well as the elite group of business men. Very recently in Lahore, Pakistan, Sri Lankan cricket players were targeted and injured by the terrorists killing seven Pakistani security persons. Still world governments do not have a means to put a stop to such atrocities. If we list out the terrorist attacks for the past decade, they are many in number and the number of people got killed and injured run to tens of thousands. It is sad that the hatred in human mind creates such bad activities. Do we have to live with these threats day in and day out? Huge amount of money is spent to control or defend terrorism. In spite of that terrorists are growing in number all over the world. Which religion will teach these people, the moral values and love for fellow humans? Is their any other way to humanize these dreadful people? All we need to do probably is to bring them to a common understanding of love and peace for a better tomorrow.
'Right to live' and 'Survival of the fittest' are the two laws of nature applicable to all living organisms including human species. These two laws are complimentary to each other i.e., the right to live is operative only when the organism is fittest if not strongest to survive. Weaklings can not enjoy the ritht to live. Similarly, the terrorist attacks wherever they occur, cooly expose the weakness in governance of a State/Nation/World.Lord Krishna advised Arjun to fight a war to get back their Kingdom where as Mahatma Gandhi advised people to resort non-violence,non-cooperation,hunger strikes etc to get the freedom to India. With the latter approach,people developed no respect of democratic life. Finally, peace and love on earth is possible only when human species create a hunger free envirionment for plants and animals.Until then terrorism remains unsolved.
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Interesting to go through.
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