It is a kind of human tendency to prove oneself always right. Dominance is the order of the day. However much one says that we are all equal, the ego of dominance dominates every one of us. One fights tooth and nail to prove one’s point. But sometimes the fight gets defeated because of no valid evidence or proof. When two persons fight, it is quite normal that one will be certainly defeated. All of us know this fact. In a fight to prove that one is always right, one may succeed and achieve the dominance. The tendency of always right is a black spot on one’s character and it mars one’s image. It is an ego which makes one to say that others are wrong. In fact, this is one of the means of protecting one’s ego. Everyone wants to be strong in their general knowledge. If there is a slight weakness in it, then the ego enhances the tendency of inducing dominance over the other person. Such behaviors are very common with rich, wealthy, arrogant and highly confident persons. By raising the voice and confusing others one tries to prove his point through weakening others point of view.
Since such an ego of feeling that one is always right is not correct, one has to be more humble and look at things from other person’s point of view and appreciate his perspective. One has to ask oneself whether he or she is really right or wrong. So one should learn to absorb other’s views and see whether one is really right or wrong. A truth is always a truth. One can not prove otherwise. Hence we can not declare unilaterally we are right and others are wrong. Such an attitude is not accepted in the society of learned persons. But in today’s world, we find majority of the people think that they are always right in spite of sermons given by religious leaders and learned legends. Is it because of the selfish nature we fall prey to this unpleasant attitude? Such superiority complex is shown even to close relatives like wife, children and friend. Making others fool is the philosophy behind this behavior which does not bring happiness in one’s life. In fact such behaviors bring no peace of mind and harmony in personal relationships. It is not an easy job to avoid the attitude of ‘always right’; however it is challenge in everyone’s life to get rid of this ego and move forward towards a pleasant and happy life.
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