Some of us – men and women are happy to see others in trouble and unhappy. At times they won’t bother to add fuel to the fire even. Such an attitude attracted my attention and induced me to observe such people closely. One of the things I found was that all such people are selfish and interested in knowing more personal matters of others. They do not hesitate even to ask inconvenient questions to draw the facts of family secrets. They do add some more salt and masala to pass on to their friends. These people cannot be the true friends. Such people are in fact, very dangerous. They are found everywhere in our society. They are in every religion, caste and creed. In spite of good advices offered by various religions, these people follow the path of seeing others unhappy. They are sadistic according to psychologists. Sadism is a mental disease which has to be treated with appropriate measures. Seeing others happy and not in trouble really keep us happy and healthy. Even in educational institutions, senior students – some, not all – are involved in ragging the fresher. In the real sense, these so called senior students like to see the fresher unhappy by uncivilized behaviors which lead to mental agony and even suicides. We hear such news every academic year. Supreme Court of India has passed stringent laws against ragging. Still ragging is continuing in colleges at big or small level. It means that there are some students who are bent upon seeing the fresher unhappy by ridiculing them. Such an attitude has been discussed and researched to find a solution for curing it and make them as normal persons. Still not much has happened. Even political parties are happy to see their opponents unhappy and in trouble. Probably the attitude is ingrained in the genes of human beings in general. How to remove the genes and change this attitude of these people? Genetic engineering may be one of the methods to solve this problem. Another way is to avoid such people in one’s life. Avoiding these people as friends or friends’ friends is a better method to keep our self safe from them. However, let us not become one among these sadists and strengthen their number. ‘Make others happy and be happy’ should be the motto of life.
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