1. HEREDITY: This is what you are given from your parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents. If your mother or father had heart trouble, or any organ of their body did not work, then you know you may have a weakness towards that organ. We know if there is a history of disease in the family you should take extra care of your health regarding that disease. Heredity is something you are born with. However, it is what you do and how you live with, that will determine your health.
2. DIET: It has been said, "You are what you eat." While heredity does play a large role in everyone's health, it is not the only factor. By eating the food, you will strengthen the organs of the body. You will have pep, vigor and full of life. What does a proper good old common sense diet mean? Eat abundantly of herbs, raw or gently cooked vegetables, fruits of all kinds and raw nuts. By eating the natural foods, we strengthen the entire body, giving nourishment to a weak organ, helping eliminate waste matter from the body, and most importantly, cleansing and purifying the blood. The Bible says, "Herbs were given to man as his food and medicine."
3. WILL: Your mental state of mind. How much do you want to be well, free of disease, discomfort and pain? You and you alone can improve the heredity factor. Eat the proper food with good old common sense. Keep the body clean and exercise each day. Your good health is a life long commitment of your will, your attitude, and your thinking.
4. EXERCISE: Exercise means staying active. Look to each day as a day of activity. To be able to work is a blessing. Try to take a good long walk each day. Do not be afraid to use your body the way God intended. Exercise so that you breathe deeply. Oxygen is very important to your body's needs. Research has shown that people in nursing homes, both men and women, in their 70s, 80s even 90s, who have been put on a daily exercise program feel better, and their health has improved. They even feel better about themselves. Do not let a day go by without some form of exercise.
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