An Australian newspaper reports that one morning not long ago a man called a taxi company and complained that a cab he ordered to take him to the Kingsford Smith Airport had not arrived. The girl who took the call apologized. ‘I’m very sorry the cab isn’t there yet, sir,’ she said. ‘But don’t worry. The plane is always late.’ ‘Well, it certainly will be this monrning,’ the caller said sharply, ‘I happen to be the pilot.’
The crisis arising from the world population increase was the subject of sociologist’s lecture to a women’s club. ‘Do you realize that somewhere in the world a woman is giving birth to a child every minute, day and night? What are we going to do about it?’
A woman in the back row raised her hand, ‘I think the first thing we should do is find that woman’ she said ‘and stop her!’
A woman was mailing the family Bible to her brother in distant city. The postal clerk examined the heavy package carefully and inquired if it contained anything breakable. ‘Nothing but the Ten Commandments,’ was the quick reply.
Man to friend: ‘ My brother leaps out of bed as soon as the first ray of sun touches his window. Of course, his bedroom faces west.
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