Be prepared at all times to write down passing thoughts, ideas and concept. This tip is so deceptively simple, yet so incredibly powerful, that most people mistakenly brush it aside. Yet this humble little tip is responsible for creating so much more wealth and worldly magnificence than all other success ’secrets’ …combined. Capturing Ideas - Your Secret Weapon to Unlimited Wealth. Write everything down. When you have an idea, write it down. When you meet someone new, write down everything you know about them. That way you will know how much time they are worth. When you hear something interesting, write it down. Writing it down will make you act upon it. If you don’t write it down you will forget it. THAT is a million dollar lesson they don’t teach you in business school!"
It is really a good lession woth a billion dollar indeed. Many of us do not realise that we forget things. We save a lot of time by doing the jottings . Ideas occur during good moods which do not occur frequentlythough!!
Yes. You are right. Thank you for the comment.
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