Sometimes I used to feel that I am foolish and unwise because I know very little things and many things are not known to me. As Thiruvalluvar says, what we learnt is just a fistful of soil and what we have not learnt is equal to the size of the Globe. This universal truth is applicable to all human beings even today at a greater magnitude because of the enormous knowledge explosion. Once up on a time, we depended on the print media and radio to gather knowledge, but today the electronic media help us to know more at the click of a mouse or a remote or finger tip. We need not depend on anyone to know about anything. Nothing is hidden in today’s world. Everything is open to everyone, everywhere. We need not store the knowledge in our brain even; it is available in search engine such as Google. If we type in a keyword, immediately it flashes out millions of references to choose the appropriate topic one wants. Even if we type our own name, we will be able to know something about us. Articles on any subject are available in the internet. Known and unknown topics on everyday news, from various parts of the world are also available in the net. We will be able to look at the location of our or our friends’ house anywhere on the Globe through the satellite-based navigation system otherwise known as Global Positioning System (GPS) in our laptop or PC or even in mobile phone. So knowledge is in our hands. Hence I feel that everyone in the world is knowledgeable because of the electronic gadgets at our disposal. Knowing is always helpful for leading a happy and healthy life. Learning helps to know more. Internet is one of the essential resources for our knowledge. Gathering knowledge is important for changing the mode of everyone’s life and lifestyle. The future generation – our children and grand children – will be depending on internet for their day-to-day activities including education and knowledge. Internet is an interesting world itself for those who have little knowledge about it. It has everything – literally everything – for helping the people who are in search of knowledge. Therefore I am not pessimistic, but optimistic about my potential to know things. Am I a fool? I think I am not!
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