Analyze What You Learned from Each Accomplishment. Now that you have identified your three greatest accomplishments, go back to each one. This time though identify exactly what you learned or were reminded of by each of them.
Identify Your Biggest Disappointments of 2009. Practically every company and individual resists analyzing their mistakes. That's a shame because this is where the best learning comes from.
Analyze What You Learned from Each Failure or Disappointment. No matter how great everything in life is going - we all make mistakes. The trick here is to really analyze them, what preceded them, what could you have done differently, and how can you prevent them in the future.
Identify How You Limited Yourself and How Can You Stop It. Were there certain actions you took or didn't take that came back to haunt you? In order to make sure you don't limit yourself again - you need to bring these self-defeating actions to the surface, confront them, and most importantly determine what you must do differently to make sure you don't make the same mistakes all over again.
Pragmatically Review the Information You Have Gathered. The goal of this exercise is not simply to know yourself and your business better but to actually use the information to make certain 2010 far surpasses 2009. What are the big takeaways from answering each question? What do you know about yourself or your business that you didn't realize or weren't thinking about?
Obviously, having this list isn't going to do it all, you still need to take this new knowledge and USE IT! Fortunately, that's what the last step is centered around. And here it is...
Use This Information to Astonish Yourself in 2010. The purpose here is to build in to your schedule, your interactions, your management style or whatever else you've surfaced in the previous questions and build yourself a new better approach.
- Gary Ryan Blair
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