For 25 years Morris, a cutter in an East side garment factory, had never been late for work. One morning, however, instead of checking in at nine, he arrived at ten. His face was crisscrossed with plaster and his right arm was in a sling. When Mr. Bob, his boss, demanded to know why he was late, Morris explained, “I leaned out a window after breakfast and fell three stories.” Mr. Bob shrugged, “That takes an hour?”
The Russian writer, Maxim Gorky, once stayed at an inn in southern Italy. On the second morning there the landlady asked him how he had slept. “Not too good,” said Gorky. “The bugs kept me awake.” “Bugs in my inn!” exclaimed the lady, indignantly, “You won’t find a single bedbug here!”
“I agree” said Gorky. “None of them are single. They’re all married and have large families.”
An old lady who suffered constipation went to see her doctor. The doctor listened patiently to her problem and asked, “Have you done anything about it?” “Oh, yes,” the lady replied, “I sit in the bathroom for a good half hour in the morning and again at night.” The doctor shook his head, “No, I mean do you take anything?” “Of course,” she nodded sagely, “I take a magazine.”
The Russian writer, Maxim Gorky, once stayed at an inn in southern Italy. On the second morning there the landlady asked him how he had slept. “Not too good,” said Gorky. “The bugs kept me awake.” “Bugs in my inn!” exclaimed the lady, indignantly, “You won’t find a single bedbug here!”
“I agree” said Gorky. “None of them are single. They’re all married and have large families.”
An old lady who suffered constipation went to see her doctor. The doctor listened patiently to her problem and asked, “Have you done anything about it?” “Oh, yes,” the lady replied, “I sit in the bathroom for a good half hour in the morning and again at night.” The doctor shook his head, “No, I mean do you take anything?” “Of course,” she nodded sagely, “I take a magazine.”
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