Usually, motivation requires a kick in the butt from self or another, in order to reach a stated goal. But how often are these goals actually attained? How effective is motivation along the road to manifestation?
In politics, motivation is enforced by law. If you don't pay your traffic ticket, your driver’s license is suspended. Failure to pay your taxes results in a judgment against you, fines, and even jail. A cursory look at our society shows us that motivation by punishment doesn't really prevent law breaking. And that is because such motivation is fear based, and very low on the emotional scale. The higher, universal law of 'like attracts like' assures us that such "solutions" will just create more problems, which then need more laws, which then result in more problems... we soon reach a point where there are so many laws, and so many new laws passed, that Congress doesn't even have time to read them! (In fact that is what occurs. Congress never reads the laws it passes).
Self-motivation is a little better, because it involves more free choice. If you are tired of being overweight, then more exercise and a better diet is a positive step in the right direction. What usually happens with self-motivation is that we begin with good intentions, and lose interest before very long.
Inspiration is a completely different animal, however. Inspiration is entirely self-generated, and comes from within. It results in a feeling of excitement and well being, and a desire to get into action immediately. When I wrote Dialogues: Conversations with my Higher Self, for example, I'd wake up every morning fired up. I couldn't wait to come home from work and get in front of the keyboard. I'd sit and write well past midnight because I just didn't want to stop! -Kenneth James Michael MacLean