Will it be possible to live in a peaceful world in future? A very big question asked by one of my friends to me. My immediate answer was a big ‘No’ because people want more power and comfort. Aspirations like these lead them to suppress others. Contradiction in opinions and viewpoints in fact, create misunderstanding and non friendliness at individual or group levels. Even though many countries follow the democratic principles for governance there is always opposition parties to criticize and oppose. These parties are formed for liberating a section of people who are neglected in the development process. The reasons may be reasonable. However such disappointments in the minds of certain sections of the society induce them to fight for their rights. Fighting for rights is an accepted norm adopted by a free society. Some countries do not respect the peoples’ voice. Those countries do not allow the people to raise their voice and try to suppress them. As a result, a section of our society is always unhappy with the attitudes of rulers and those who are rich and super rich. The only way left to them is agitation and disturbing the peace. It leads to terrorism and killing people who may be security forces, common men and women and children. Such activities are going on all over the world. Millions of innocent lives are destroyed every year in the world. How can peace will prevail? Religious leaders and spiritual gurus are advising people to live in peace. Thousands and thousands of people congregate to listen, the convincing motivational speeches of these great men and women, everyday and everywhere on earth. But still the peace in the world is a rare commodity. As the population and technology explode, people instead of using their knowledge for the betterment of human life, they create an atmosphere of peacelessness and fear in the minds of people. I feel that peacefulness itself is a reason for the peacelessness in our planet!
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