Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Life ends- When you stop dreaming !!

Hope ends- When you stop believing !!

Love ends- When you stop caring !!

Friendship ends- When you stop SHARING !!

1. Make a Difference in Someone’s Life. It can be something as simple as a smile, a hug, a kind word, a handshake, or a hand out.

2.Learn at Least One New Thing. Life presents so many opportunities to learn. Just keep your eyes open and listen.

3. Meet at Least One New Person. Say hello to a stranger. You never know what you will learn from that chance encounter.

Every life experience is a one-time event. There will be similar events but not exactly the same. When I learned to look at life experiences that way, things really changed. Strive to see each second of your life with anticipation and as a unique experience rather than just passing time. You will be amazed at how much of an adventure life becomes.

- Rodney

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