‘Open wide,’ demanded the dentist as he began his examination of a new patient. ‘Good grief!’ he said, ‘You’ve got the biggest cavity I have ever seen – the biggest cavity I have ever seen!’‘You don’t have to repeat it,’ snapped the patient. ‘I didn’t,’ said the dentist. ‘That was the echo!’
Patient to doctor examining him: ‘And another thing I noticed, doctor – I’m tired and irritable after spending a solid hour in that waiting-room of yours.’
Woman complaining to a doctor’s receptionist: ‘All he does is make appointments for me to see a specialist! Is he really a doctor or just a booking agent?’
The first-aid instructor asked a group of Girl Guides, ‘Why does a surgeon wear a mask while performing an operation?’
One girl replied, ‘So that if he makes a mess of it, the patient won’t know who did it.’
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