Sunday, April 29, 2012


Everything is increasing in quantity and quality. Is it progress? Of course, I think it is. No one likes to have a static society. We wish to have a dynamic society. Change is the key to all this. The human population is alarmingly increasing. Their needs are also increasing. Food production, housing, transportation, water requirement, schools and colleges, jobs, hospitals, hotels, business houses – are all increasing leaps and bounds year after year. The never ending increase of all these, all over the world means what? We hope to adjust or manage such increases at a given time. But over time, there is no possibility of decrease either in quantity or quality. The quality of life, the gadgets we use such as vehicles, electronic goods, dresses and many other items are also increasing because of the technology developments.

Science plays an important role in increasing the quality of life and the products we use. Better facilities for better life make the world a worthy place to live. Increase in jobs and pay indeed, compensate for the increase in our expenditure. The ‘brand’ culture has entered in our civilization. Business management has changed the life style of people. Day by day poverty level is diminishing according to government statistics. I do not know how far it is true? Still the quality of life of poor people is increasing.

The price rise of all commodities including the eatables is a known fact. The cost of fuel, electricity, transport and even water is going on increasing. Such increase is happening irrespective of all safety measures taken by the respective governments. Increase, increase and increase! - in every aspect of life. Has anyone thought about this simple fact of increase? The limitless increase in everything is going to meet a point one day! Can anyone think of that day?

We talk so much about our future generation. We preach about leaving a clean planet for our children and grand-children. Have we thought about the increased usage of natural resources for the benefit of our generation? How are we going to live a simple life so that we decrease our demands and bring down the ever growing increase? ‘More and more’ – are the aim of everyone. But who will say ‘less’ and ‘less’? Economists, business people and politicians talk about increase in growth of economy and business. The budget of every country is increasing every year touching billions and trillions of dollars. Think of next decade? What will happen to the increase? The growth in every field is increasing. Manufacturing industries are growing in number and products are produced in huge quantities to meet the needs of the growing population.

Developed, developing and less developed countries are working towards an increase in production. Population growth followed by the growing needs is a worrying aspect of our economics. Is it possible to decrease our demands wherever possible? You may say: ‘What a silly idea it is?’ However I have started decreasing my demands and also preaching others to do so. It may not match the ever increasing growth but to my satisfaction I wish to decrease my demands.


ப.கந்தசாமி said...

Yes, good approach, but difficult to follow.