Monday, May 28, 2012


You will be born a human being with a body, a mind and a soul. You will either like it or hate it; either is yours for the keeping. You will experience many emotions from which you will learn lessons imperative to your life's happiness.

You will be enrolled in a human school called, 'life' in which you will receive a book called, 'your book of life'. This book holds the chapters that you will write throughout your time as a human being. You will make mistakes, which will in turn, teach you, lessons vital to your success in this life as a human being.

Your growth will consist of many of trial & errors, which are your lessons in the life as a human. You will fail, you will succeed, and how you deal with either will determine your fate. Your 'failed' attempts will be as much a part of the process of growth as your successions.

Your life's lessons will challenge you until you have learned them well...excelling further or you will push them aside....leaving yourself to mere ignorance.

Life's lessons never long as you are breathing... you will be learning.

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