Wednesday, August 1, 2012


in vitro Fertilization (IVR)  involves retrieval of an oocyte form the mother, fertilization in a culture plate, development of an embryo, transfer of the embryo back to the uterus of the mother, implantation, further development into a fetus and birth of the young one. In short, it is an assisted reproductive technology involving human intervention to facilitate fertilization and early development of the embryo outside the mother but subsequently returned to the confines of the mother for future development. On 26 July 1978, Robert G. Edwards and Patrick C. Steptoe were the first to report the birth of Louise Joy Brown, a baby girl, born by IVF using a single aspirated oocyte of her mother Lesley Brown, recovered during her natural cycle, which was fertilized and transferred at the eight-cell stage. After a little more three long decades, the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine had been awarded to Edwards for the development of human IVF.

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