Monday, October 23, 2017


Living clutter-free does not mean living in a sterile environment; it means getting rid of the excess so that everything around you is there for a reason.

The past is over and the future isn’t here yet. Confronting the emotions raised by clutter will make living in the present less threatening.

In the course of clutter clearing, you may get rid of something that you later wish you’d kept. Emotionally healthy people do feel regret; but then they let it go, trusting that an equal or better item will be available if they need it.

Letting go of regrets about your present clutter will help free you from the fear of regret that drives the accumulation of future clutter.

People who are able to live without clutter trust themselves to make good choices. As you become more conscious of what you allow into and keep in your home you will develop a higher level of trust your own decisions.

Hoarding against an uncertain future reveals a lack of faith in the ability of the universe to provide what you need at the time you need it. The antidote is to focus on gratitude for all that you never have, and for all the ways in which you are being provided for. – Stephanie Roberts

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