India is a vast country
with so many States, languages, castes, religions and cultures. With such
diversities the country manages a billion plus people who live in villages,
hills, seashores and urban areas. The country elects its representatives
through political parties which are innumerable with all kinds of leaders. They
are in general, experts in finding fault with the ruling parties.
As an individual, and a
common man of this country I think that what the country has achieved in
development since independence is enormous. We have to be proud of it. We have
shown progress little or more in various fields. Think of it! In spite of
innumerable problems – big and small – we could able to march on and show to
the so-called developed world that ‘we
can do it.’
Many may say the progress
is not sufficient. I do agree, but with the diversity and democracy we have
lots of limitations. To overcome these limitations and show progress in education,
industry, export, health care, housing, art, culture, science and technology,
space research is really a monumental task the successive democratic
governments could achieve for all of us. Can anyone deny this fact?
People start comparing
India with America or Europe or Australia. People should also know how many
problems they face to show the world that they are developed! Poverty and
hunger are present everywhere in the world including India - So also corruption
and terrorism. There are projects and programs to tackle them and try to reduce
the extent possible.
There are more people out
there to criticize the governments, but they do not understand the difficulties
faced by each and every ministry either in the Center or in the States. It is
easy to allot money in annual budgets to various ministries.
But the money has to reach the appropriate place in
appropriate time. Otherwise it is not possible to spend the money in time that
is before the next year budget. The hurdles the governments face are enormous.
No one realizes the complicated administrative system we adopt for spending
government money. In spite of all these impediments our administrative
machinery had and has played and playing an important role to make India great!
Therefore it is the duty of every citizen – literate and
illiterate – to follow rules and cooperate with any government in power. Think
of what we are not having?
We have everything available in our country (probably except
honesty). We should develop an attitude of belonging to our nation. We all have
a role to play in making our country great! This can be achieved simply by
doing our duty sincerely with devotion. Let us start doing it. Our country and
the people of our country will grow and progress and prosper.
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