When we’re around people
who are stressed and negative it can upset our own sense of inner peace and
calm. Here are some suggestions to help you with this:
1. Imagine there’s
an invisible shield that separates you from them. See their attitudes,
reactions and high expectations as being their choice and decision- they’re not
a part of you. You are two separate people – don’t let them influence you.
2. Disconnect from
the source of negativity. End the call, close your email, or get up and walk
away. When we feel stressed and angry we’re more likely to react – so maintain
your control by taking steps to decompress.
3. Avoid toxic
people if you possibly can. Avoid people who guilt trip you, or are constantly
complaining, or who like to sit in wallow in their misery. They’ll quickly
drain your energy and drive you to despair.
4. Be a positive
person. Go on the offensive and reach out to people who need some
encouragement, a smile or a kind word. That will keep you feeling peaceful and
5. Spend time with
people with whom you can connect, and who inspire and motivate you to be a
better person. Look out for people who improve your self-esteem, who are
positive role models and live life to the full. They’ll broaden your capacity
to give and grow as well. (So let them be your focus – and not the stressed out
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