Monday, September 30, 2019


1) Make enough money to meet your basic needs. Studies have shown that anything beyond that amount will not necessarily make you happier.

2) Avoid financial hierarchies. For a new job, choose a place where everyone makes a similar amount. People feel better when they feel equal to their co-workers.

3) Find satisfaction in the job you have. Don't expect to find one job that will make you happy—instead focus on the positive aspects of your work instead of blaming a job for your unhappiness.

4) Take initiative at work. You'll gain professional respect, self-fulfillment and feel more in control in the workplace.

5) Keep plants in your workspace. The LA Times found that employees who decorate their office space are more satisfied with their jobs.

6) Bake cookies and bring them to work. You'll enjoy the baking and making your co-workers happy.
7) Make a grateful list. Focus on all the great things in your life to enhance feelings of joy and attract more good things.

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