Monday, December 2, 2019


1) Get enough sleep. Sleeping for 8 hours per night can elevate your mood and better prepare you to greet the day.

2) Take vitamin C. Keeping your immune system happy will keep you happy.

3) Laugh out loud. Laughing releases endorphins and lowers levels of stress hormones.

4) Cook with more garlic. Garlic not only adds delicious flavor to meals, it also keeps blood pressure down to keep you relaxed and healthy.

5) Get more fresh air. Fresh air is invigorating and alters the levels of serotonin in your brain—the stuff that makes you happy!

6) Eat more foods with tryptophan. It has an amino acid needed to make serotonin, the chemicals that make you happy. Try more bananas, dairy products and poultry.

7) Work out. Exercising can not only make you feel better about yourself, it also releases endorphins in your body to give you a natural high.

8) Eat chocolate. Besides releasing endorphins and stimulating serotonin production in your brain, chocolate releases phenylethylamine, the chemical that causes feelings of love.

9) Meditate. According to the Dalai Lama as well as several medical studies, meditation not only decreases stress, but also triggers a neurological response that makes you happy.

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