Realize that you’re not the only one. The reality is
that most of us worry about the same kinds of things – such as whether others
like us, are bored by others, or the kind of impression we’re making.
Try to uncover the roots of your anxiety. There may be
variety of reasons for feeling conscious, such as having had a bad experience
in the past, feeling that you’re with people who are very different from you,
or feeling you’re with people who don’t understand you. Also it may simply be
that you’re more introverted so some social situations are more stressful for
Acknowledge the feelings as soon as they arise. That
will enable you to start targeting them through positive self talk. For
example, remind myself that “I always feel like this in these kinds of
situations. I’m going to be okay. I usually cope – i’ll this time too.
Fake looking and acting calm, relaxed and self
confident. In time you’ll find your feelings will change to match the way you
appear on the outside.
Also acting warm and friendly helps put others at
ease, and encourages them to feel more relaxed around you.
Try not to worry about what other people think. In
reality other people will often feel as nervous as you do. It’s just that
they’ve learned how to cover it up. Also some people think negatively about
everyone. You’re never going to change this kind of person – and you don’t need
their approval anyway!
Be kind to yourself. Praise, affirm and reward
yourself for deciding to do something that’s difficult for you.
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