Saturday, February 29, 2020


MARCH 2020






Prof. S. R. K. MURTHY, Ph. D (Rtd.)
A.N.G.R. Agricultural University
#303, Chandra’s Lakeview Towers
Tank Bund Road, KHAMMAM – 507 002 A P
Ph. 798 155 8026 or 994 924 4803


In fact, we all live at the mercy of weather. Life on the planet Earth depends mainly on weather. Good weather like the spring season and bad weather like high temperatures of summer season or flooding due to excess rainfall occurs on Earth every year. All living beings on earth suffer a lot; even die at extreme weather conditions. It has become an every year feature. Comfortable living requires optimum weather conditions. All of us know these facts.
What is weather? Since it’s important for all of us, it’s worth to know something about it. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere in one area at a particular time. Climate is another word connected to weather. Long-time weather condition is referred to as climate. Weather changes every day in a given region whereas climate change occurs over a long period of time like millions of years. Nowadays we all talk about global climate change. It has become a threat to our plant. The United Nation ia organizing International Conferences at various parts of the world inviting the world leaders to find a solution to alleviate climate change.
Global warming, melting of ice, rise in sea-level, floods, bush fires – are some of the consequences of climate change. Few leaders of the world do not believe on climate change and they are not co-operating with the countries that are interested in finding a solution for climate change. So teenagers like Greta Thunberg from Sweden challenged the world leaders and asked what they are doing for the future generation. The future of our children and grand children depends on what we do to the climate today. The teenagers are asking the world leaders to do something for their welfare in the future.
The day-to-day change in weather makes us to adapt to the prevailing conditions. If it is raining or sunny we protect ourselves with the help of an umbrella. The meteorologists forecast daily weather conditions of a particular location and announce through electronic and print media. 
 Most of the time the forecasts are correct, sometimes they are incorrect. The maximum and minimum temperatures are not the same all over the world. They vary widely. In some places the maximum temperature is >40 degrees Celsius and in some other places it’ll be sub-zero degrees depending on the season. Mainly every is divided into four well defined seasons which are very much visible in the Northern and Southern hemispheres fat away from the equator. The four seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Those who visited or live in the Northern and Southern hemispheres know these well defined seasons. They are adapted to these seasons. Their culture, dressing, food habits, and living conditions are dictated by the seasons.
For those who live near the equator do not have these extreme seasons, but they do find some signs of these seasons. The predominant seasons in these regions are summer and monsoon seasons. Severe summer temperatures goes up to 45 to 50 digress Celsius in some locations. Monsoons sometimes create floods causing crop and life losses. Along heavy rain we do find lightening and thunders. Storms, heavy winds caused by tropical cyclones due to low-pressure in the sea are very common in countries near the equator. Hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, typhoons – are some of the weather conditions that cause huge losses to human beings. Volcanoes and earth quakes are also dangerous to human and animal populations. However, human beings are taking as much precautions as possible to escape from these calamities.  They managed such natural disasters caused by change in climate over time. Thus we all live at the mercy of weather in this world. - NARA


1.      Focus on one thing at a time.
2.      Slow down and enjoy the journey.
3.      Stop being such a perfectionist. Don’t stress out over details and impressing everyone.
4.      Learn to delegate to others: take the pressure off yourself. Perhaps other people won’t do the job as well.
5.      Don’t always be waiting for the other shoe to drop. Lots of people spend their lives terrified for what might happen – and most of the time things work out to be just fine.
6.      Focus on what you have, not what you wish you had. All of us have things we can be grateful for. Not everything is awful – and life’s not always bad. And if you change your focus to what you’re thankful for, you’ll find you feel much happier, and worry a lot less.
7.      If things go wrong, just shrug your shoulders and smile. Remind yourself that life goes on – so don’t wreak your life wishing things were different or regretting what you’ve done. Also things might work out next time. Tomorrow is a new day.


1.      Get specific... Knowing exactly what you want to achieve helps you motivated until you get there.
2.      Seize the moment to act on your goals... Achieving your goal means grabbing hold of these opportunities before they slip through your fingers.
3.      Know exactly how far you have left to go... Achieving any goal also requires honest and regular monitoring of your progress, if not by others, then by you yourself.
4.      Be a realistic optimist... Believing in your ability to succeed is enormously helpful for creating and sustaining your motivation.
5.      Focus on getting better, rather than being good... Believing you have the ability to reach your goals is important, but so is believing you can get the ability.
6.      Have grits... Grit is a willingness to commit to long-term goals and to persist in the face of difficulty.
7.      Build your willpower muscle... When you give your muscle regular workouts by putting it to good use, it will grow stronger and stronger, and better able to help you successfully reach your goals.
8.      Don’t tempt fate... Don’t try to take two challenging tasks at once, if you can help it.
9.      Focus on what you will do, not who you won’t do... If you want change your ways ask yourself, what will I do instead?


1.      Notice what other people comment on.
2.      Identify what feels easy and natural for you (especially if other people find it hard).
3.      Notice what you are doing when you lose all sense of time.
4.      Identify the tasks that help to make you feel alive.
5.      Look at subjects you do best at in exams.
6.      Take an on-line quiz or questionnaire.


1.     Communicate with your employees.
2.     Take changes.
3.     Persevere.
4.     Build trust.
5.     Be humble.
6.     Have heroes.
7.     Be yourself.
8.     Make a difference.
9.     Be motivated by competition.
10.  Do what can’t be done.


Ø  It is good to be optimistic, but it’s better to be realistic.
Ø  It is good to thing big, but it’s rewarding to be practical and patient.
Ø  It is greed that spoils the harmony of the world.
Ø  It is greed, not need that we have to do away with.
Ø  It is hard to give up the old attitudes and social habits.

Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you..

Meet you next month –2020


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 75399 15614