Monday, February 1, 2021



“Success is completion. Success is being able to complete what we set out to do – each individual action, each specific step, each desired experience whether a big project or a very small errand,” said Susan Collins. I do not know who this person is. However, the quotation illustrates the importance of completion or finishing.

 Yes, when we complete an activity or task we reach a stage of success or failure. It is very evident in the field of sports. Before entering into the competition, one has to do hard work of practice for which coaches are engaged for training. Any game starts between two individuals or teams. One of them wins and becomes successful and the other one loses and gets defeated. In fact, both teams completed their tasks to their full ability, but both cannot win at the same time. In a running race or cycling the sports-person tries to complete the race whether they come first or tenth because the sense of completions is the satisfying success.

Similarly, a big or small project is started with an aim to complete. Projects like the construction of buildings, roads, railway lines, bridges, aerodromes, etc., etc. are initiated with a goal to complete in a stipulated time period – may be in months or years. Delays may occur due to various reasons. Such delays may cause inconveniences to common people. There are many cases like that we see with our own eyes in everyday life. Complaints are filed; sometimes the complaints even go to courts to find a solution. So the sense of completions is defeated by the incompletion.

Although incomplete works always nag at us, some people do not bother about them. Still, they live a happy (?) life. It is not true. Internally they are unhappy and worried. On the other hand, if they planned properly they could complete the tasks and be happy and satisfied. Reading a book, hearing a song, writing a letter, painting a picture, seeing a film – are some of the simple tasks we undertake in our life. Some of us start reading a book and leave it in the middle and fail to complete it. Similarly, we start hearing a long song and will not hear it till the end. Writing a letter or e-mail is left incomplete due to some reasons or other as a result those activities not done fully. Even many unfinished paintings are seen everywhere. We do see films but sometimes we will not sit through the end of it. Therefore the sense of completion is not felt in these cases.

 It is always advised that something one starts should be completed so that we get satisfaction and a sense of success and job. Completing an activity or a task or a project is considered the best policy in one’s life. Procrastination is one of the handicaps for completing tasks. Multi-tasking is another factor affecting the completion of activities. One has to, therefore, be careful in these factors to get the sense of completion. However, much we try to complete our work; at times it remained unfinished and incomplete. Hence, if we understand the advantages of completing a task then we will be able to succeed and progress in our lives. - NARA

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