Use mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices, essentially trick for remembering information, can make memorization much easier. Used right, you’ll be able to remember all kinds of random information years down the road, just by creating acronyms and visual devices to go along with the material.
it down. Writing down
information you’re trying to learn can actually help you remember it better than
typing it out. The act of writing engages more regions of your brain than
typing, though there is one caveat: your notes have to be of high quality for
the practice to really help you learn.
on it. Psychologists have
found that going to sleep shortly after learning new information can actually
help you to remember that information. So, set up your study sessions a few
hours before you go to bed or follow them up with a nap to get the biggest
boost to your recall.
your brain. To keep new information
from trickling out of your brain you don’t need to repeat it until your brain
is exhausted. In fact, it’s actually more effective to sit and rest your brain
after learning something new; the practice gives a significant boost
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