Monday, May 31, 2021




MAY 2021










Prof. S. Thamburaj Ph.D

Former Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, TNAU, Coimbatore

11, Vaiyapuri Illam, Sabapathy Road, Saibaba Colony

Coimbatore 641 038, ph. 96007 39443







Coronavirus – Covid 19 has taught us many things during 2020 and 2021. It is the second wave in India. It had spread all over India due to multiple reasons. People thought Covid 19 has come down in Feb. and March 2021. But the virulent virus caught fire and many innocent old age and middle age people were affected. The election rallies in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puduchery, West Bengal, and Assam were cited as some of the reasons for the spread in these States. Another cause for the corona spread was due to the Mahakumbh Mela at Uttarakhand where millions of people of various States like Maharashra, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar assembled to take a dip in the river without following the cardinal points. The three cardinal points are, wearing a face mask to cover the nose and mouth when going out, keeping a 2m social distance from person to person and cleaning the hands frequently with soap and sanitizer. The three important precautions are prescribed for all human beings whether they are rich or poor, male or female, elder or younger, celebrities or common people. All over the world where coronavirus is a problem these measures are proposed. However, following these measures are in the hands of people who are diversified and have their own peculiar ideas. Some of them fully support these measures whereas others do support them without following them. Strange indeed!

We all know well the impact of Covid 19. It kills human beings, not at one stroke, but with miserable struggles like fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, all types of body-aches, difficulty in breathing etc. There is no specific medicine or drug for curing the coronavirus infection. The helpless patients pray God to save his/her life. That is the ultimate solution we all have. How cruel it is! People say life is precious. But life becomes miserable altogether due to the virus. Added to it helplessness and emotional unrest, fear and stress.

Every nation in the world is trying its best to invent vaccines to induce immunity or supply oxygen to help the patients or to find a medicine in the form of a tablet or capsule capable to destroy the virus and save the humans. There are more than a few kinds of vaccines already available in every country. People were afraid to get vaccinated with these quickly produced vaccines in the beginning. Later on, after some people got themselves vaccinated others were convinced to go for it. In every country, including India vaccines are in short-supply. So the demand for it has increased.

The awareness has increased leaps and bounds. Hospitals are trying to cope up with the situation. Huge crowd everyday in all Government hospitals and Primary Health Centers poses problems to hospital staff. However they take it as their duty and perform it. Their service satisfies millions of people. It’s hard time for all of them, as well as to the people.

It is a fact that the three precautions mentioned above are not fully followed by all although they are the cardinal points to be followed. People wear masks to prevent the virus to enter their body through the nose and mouth. Masks are of different types, colors, sizes and shapes. We do find them in the market. Some are disposable and others are washable and reusable. Whenever we go out from our houses, we are supposed to wear it. It has another advantage of preventing the dusts entering the body. Most of us wear masks without problem. The second precaution of keeping social distancing is not followed at all. I have observed at many places including the place of vaccination. Otherwise this precaution is not followed at all. The third precaution of washing hands and applying sanitizers is being practiced invariably by everyone. Keeping oneself clean hygienically is essential to escape from the virus.

We have learned certain precautions from the onset of corona virus. But following by all is a problem we face. In spite of reminding everyone through cell phone, radio, TV, newspapers, people take it lightly. People have to change their mindset and attitude to keep them safe and see others are also safe. In spite of all these measures people do get virus infection and undergo treatment in crowded hospitals (spending so much of money in private hospitals) where shortage of beds, staff and oxygen are prevalent. Therefore it becomes absolutely necessary to care for the suggested cardinal points and follow them strictly. Otherwise, we do know what will happen. Let’s be wise and help the society to remain safe. - NARA



1. Avoid comparing yourself to others. It's damaging to self-esteem—focus on your own achievements.
2. Make meaningful goals. Harvard scientists say humans need a sense of purpose to thrive and that people with dreams and aspirations are happier than those without.
3. Embrace spirituality. Research suggests that people who participate in a religious community or explore alternate sets of beliefs are happier and better adjusted in life.
4. Have a good cry when you need it. Allowing yourself to break down completely is cathartic and you'll feel better after you let it all  out.
5. Learn to forgive yourself. Focusing on your past mistakes serves no purpose besides keeping you from moving on.
6. Maintain perspective. When life starts to feel out of control, remind yourself of the positive things in your life and how lucky you are.
7.  Define what happiness means for you. Don't worry about what other people define as happy, find what makes you happy and go for it.




1. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

2. The 'sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick' is said to be the

toughest tongue twister in the English language.

3. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to

suppress a sneeze; you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.

4. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from History. 'Spades' - King David; 'Clubs' - Alexander the Great; ' Hearts' - Charlemagne; 'Diamonds' - Julius Caesar.

5. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

6. If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle. If the horse has a all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

7. What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common? >>Ans. - All invented by women.

8. Honey - This is the only food that doesn't spoil.

9. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

10. A snail can sleep for three years.




Man walking along a road in the countryside comes across a shepherd and a huge flock of sheep. Tells the shepherd, "I will bet you $100 against one of your sheep that I can tell you the exact number in this flock." The shepherd thinks it over; it's a big flock so he takes the bet. "973," says the man. The shepherd is astonished because that is exactly right. Says "OK, I'm a man of my word, take an animal." Man picks one up and begins to walk away.

"Wait," cries the shepherd, "Let me have a chance to get even. Double or nothing that I can guess your exact occupation." Man says sure. "You are an economist for a government think tank," says the shepherd. "Amazing!" responds the man, "You are exactly right! But tell me, how did you deduce that?"

"Well," says the shepherd, "put down my dog and I will tell you."



The Mistake Trap: “I’m afraid of doing something wrong.” Losses hold us back!

The Fatigue Trap: “I’m tired today.” Losses wear us out.

The Comparison Trap:  “Someone else is better qualified than I am.”Losses cause us to feel inferior to others.

The Timing Trap: “This isn’t the right time.” Losses make us hesitate.

The Inspiration Trap:  “I don’t feel like doing it right now.”  Losses demotivate us.

The Rationalization Trap: “Maybe it’s really not that important.” Losses allow us to lose perspective.

The Perfection Trap: “There’s the best way to do it and I have to find it before I start.” Losses cause us to question ourselves.

The Expectation Trap: “I thought it would be easy, but it isn’t.” Losses highlight the difficulties.

The Fairness Trap: “I shouldn’t have to be the one to do this.” Losses cause us to ask, “Why me?”

The Public Opinion Trap:  “If  I  fail,  what  will  others  think?”  Losses paralyze us.

The Self-Image Trap: “If I fail at this, it means I am a failure.” Losses negatively affect how we see ourselves.

All of these traps are caused by losses, and all of them create the gap between knowing and doing. If we want to be successful, we need to bridge that gap.




Ø  In this world there’s room for everyone.

Ø  In times of crisis, The good news is no news.

Ø  In the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power of good or evil.

Ø  In the urgency of life, a lot of good things go fast and we don’t pay attention to them.

Ø  In the mad race for numbers, quality takes a back seat.



Incompetent persons never bring change in the society...

Meet you next month –2021


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP



Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile: 75399 15614