The Mistake Trap: “I’m afraid of doing something wrong.” Losses hold us back!
The Fatigue Trap: “I’m tired today.” Losses wear us out.
The Comparison Trap: “Someone else is
better qualified than I am.” Losses cause us to feel inferior to others.
The Timing Trap: “This isn’t the right time.” Losses make us hesitate.
The Inspiration Trap: “I don’t feel like
doing it right
now.” Losses demotivate us.
The Rationalization Trap: “Maybe it’s really not that important.” Losses allow us to lose perspective.
The Perfection Trap: “There’s the best way to do it and I have to find it before I
start.” Losses cause us to question ourselves.
The Expectation Trap: “I thought it would be easy, but it isn’t.” Losses
highlight the difficulties.
The Fairness Trap: “I shouldn’t have to be the one to do this.” Losses cause
us to ask, “Why me?”
The Public
Opinion Trap: “If I
fail, what will
others think?” Losses paralyze us.
The Self-Image Trap: “If I fail at this, it means I am a failure.” Losses negatively affect how we
see ourselves.
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