Wednesday, September 1, 2021



• Are preoccupied with what they are going to say instead of listening to the speaker.

• Quit listening if the speaker says something they disagree with.

• Hear only the statements that confirm their own opinions.

• Bend what is said to support what they already think.

• Use a comment the speaker has said to change the subject to their preferred topic.

• Start to tell their thoughts before the speaker has finished talking.

• Brag about their successes and victories.

• Talk too much (hence the saying, “There are some to whom there is nothing quite as lovely as the sound of their own voice”).

• Deliberately distract the audience’s attention away from the speaker (or say something that discredits him).Improve 70 Aspects Of Your Life 163

• Hijack control of the conversation so they can talk on topics of their choice.

• Speak with more emotion than is appropriate for the subject matter or situation.



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