Sunday, January 2, 2022


Start your day
with at least one glass of water — hydrate before you get yourself a cup of coffee.

Make time for a few minutes of quiet time to think about the good day ahead or prepare yourself for the day.

Don’t get straight to your email just yet — take the morning in (sunrise and the peace of the morning). Put off checking emails and social updates.

Read a page or two of your favourite book instead of aiming for a complete chapter.

Don’t make your morning workout a chore. Instead of an hour or half an hour exercise, try five minutes or less plank, push up, sit-up or squat.

If you want to meditate, start by meditating for one minute per day instead of ten. If you are struggling, won’t make it a habit.

For better energy and strong concentration, choose a healthy breakfast (whole grains, protein and healthy fats).

Limit the number of decisions you make in the morning. Too many decisions exhaust the brain and cause fatigue. One way to manage your energy is to do your high-priority work in the am.

When you start work, remove all distractions from your work environment before starting actual work –noise, notifications, email tabs, etc. Assume focus or productive mode with calming music.

Use your to-do list from the night before to start a productive day.

Schedule short downtime times in between work throughout the day. For example, for every hour of deep work, take a five minutes break.

During your downtime, you can listen to a podcast, read a thought-provoking article, get a drink or take a walk to clear your mind.

For everything you expect to complete, break it into simple-to-complete actions you can quickly get done. Focus on small wins in the first half of the day.

Schedule time for nature walks — even just 10 minutes outside and close to more trees can do wonders for your mood.

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