Sunday, July 31, 2022


 When I first started studying joy, it was clear that the liveliest places and objects all have one thing in common: bright, vivid colour. Whether it’s a row of houses painted in bold swaths of candy hues or a display of coloured markers in a stationery shop, vibrant colour invariably sparks a feeling of delight. Bright colour adorns festivals worldwide, and it almost seems as if the more intense the colours, the more intense the joy. In China, bright dancing dragons usher in the New Year, while Brazil’s Carnival dazzles with brilliant feathered costumes. During India’s Holi festival, people dispense with decorations and instead throw handfuls of pure coloured powder, creating a stunning spectacle of polychromatic smoke that stains grinning revellers from top to toe. – Ingrid Fetell Lee

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