Who is not happy with appreciation? Everyone is interested to get appreciated for his or her achievements which vary considrably depending on the field. Mostly achievements come from our service to the society. They may be in the field of entertainment, medicine, agriculture, social service or the like. Even passing an examination or facing a difficulty is an achievement. In fact, achievements are attained by hard work with sincerity and devotion to duty. Among us there are outstanding people who have helped the humanity to continue comfortably its existence on earth. Actually everyone is achieving something in one’s life time. May be great or not so great. Still they are achievements that warrant appreciation. Appreciations are offered in few words or by organizing felicitation functions. Recently the first men landed in moon were felicitated all over the world because of their great achievement. Small scale felicitations or big scale functions are organised everyday on earth for those who contributed their might to the welfare of human beings. There is always a desire in everyone’s mind to achieve something in one’s life and everyone of us is trying to apply intelligence and efforts to achieve something to get appreciation. Friends and relatives are happy to see someone among them who has done something outstanding which others have attempted and achieved. The achievements of our army men and women who are safeguarding our borders are being highly appreciated by everyone of us. To mark the achievements, we offer money, medals, mementoes and many other things. Achievements in sports and games are appreciated by offering huge sums of money nowadays along with beautiful gold, silver or bronze medals. Similarly, achievements in various fields are being appreciated appropriately in order to encourage the people who wish to achieve great things in life. Life is to achieve and to get appreciation which brings happiness not only in the minds of the achievers but also to the related people.
If something goes wrong do not blame others blindly.
If you commit a mistake do not hesitate to accept it.
As Gautham Buddha said, there three things we can’t hide for long: the sun, earth and the truth.
Accepting mistake gracefully will make you look like a true professional and give you the satisfaction of not cheating.
§ The future of the country can only be secure when the future of its children is safe.
§ You don’t walk around with grief, but it is always there.
§ I say exactly what I mean, and I mean what I say.
§ People want someone who will represent their fears and frustrations.
§ Men love to see heroes rise but enjoy to see them fall.
§ Where there is no struggle there is no strength.
§ Life’s journey is to understand what we already possess.When the sky is clear of clouds, the ground is