Friday, August 31, 2012



LIFE PLUS Pharmacy - Personal service of any medicine at your door step & by courier for outstation –
Ph: 91715 40114 (Sponsoring Sept. Oct. Nov. 2012 issues)

 Dr. S. THAMBURAJ, Former Dean of Horticulture, TNAU, Coimbatore for sponsoring Dec.2012, Jan. & Feb. 2013 issues of NARA’S NOTEPAD

 Thank you all.



Everyone in this world encounters the problem of too much in various situations. We know very well that anything more than optimum is always not desirable. But some of us do not agree with this statement because they want to reach the maximum, whether it is money, achievement, body strength or any other such things. Once a friend of mine asked me a pertinent question: why rich people go on amassing too much money, wealth, property etc.? What do they do with all those which they may not use by themselves? Yes, it is true that one does not need more than what he/she wants; but still some of us want more and more and they become greedier in possessing too much.


Of course, too much is always useless and sometimes dangerous too. But one thing is certain, that we should know our limit and try to enjoy what we have. Going for more is really a problem. Take for example; drinking of alcohol is ok if it is within the limit. If it is beyond the limit and too much drinking certainly affect our health and lead to an unhappy life.


Many of us are attracted by more attractive articles advertised in dailies and magazines and now in the internet regarding the improvement of health by consuming certain vitamins or other products required for improving health. I have seen a number of people around me bought such supplements, as they are called without prescription by a physician. In the long run, it became too much and the excess levels led to more complications. In fact, the sellers of the supplements give all details and side-effects in small prints which are invariably no one read seriously. If they do, many will not venture to consume such fancy supplements at all.

Too much wealth is one another thing which creates problems in family at later stage. Rich people try to plough in the profits they earn from one business into another business and thus generate more wealth. One of the positive things we learn from it is that those rich people in fact, provide opportunity for thousands of people jobs and thus help a number of families to earn their bread and live better.

On the other hand, the black money generated through private businesses brings pain to the rich people who are harassed by the law of the land. So they have to tackle the law in such a way that they can escape the strict rules and go for generating more and more black money which neither they use nor their family because they possess too much. Too much wealth has to be stored and protected. Sometimes certain banks help in this. Take for example a simple instance of offering one toy to a child to play as compared to a dozen toys which the child may not able to handle and use. The child tries to choose the best of the dozen and throw the rest of them. That is the way many men and women buy their costly dresses every time to fill up their wardrobe rather than using them daily. They too feel that problem of too much and try to select a few which they like to wear and leave the rest in the wardrobes or offer to others.

How to solve the problem of too much then? We feel that too much is always not desirable, but at the same time we continue to buy and collect too much. It appears that it’s an inherent character of human mind to go for too much without knowing what to do with them later on. Solving the problem of too much is very simple, but the adoption of the simple philosophy is very difficult for many. Most of our spiritual gurus and religions preach us to lead a simple life. It needs will-power to resist the desire for too much. For those who have more money in their pocket, it becomes too difficult to resist such desires. On the other hand those who do not have money cannot have the desires to have too much.

Therefore, our desires are the main causes for the problem of too much. Let us try to have much not too much and have limited or controlled desires to solve the problem of too much.



Things change for the better when we take responsibility for our own thoughts, decisions and actions. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury - it's an absolute necessity. - Eleanor Roosevelt


India is growing rapidly, be it in population, in economy, in number of vehicles or in corruption. The recent provisional census data for the year 2011 show that we are 1.21 billion people, nearly 17.5% of the global population, making every sixth person in the world an Indian. We are only next to China in total population, which is contributing 19.4% to the world population with 1.341 billion people. Our population has increased over five times in the last 110 years from 0.24 billion in 1901. About 181 million people have been added in the last decade, with a decadal growth rate of 17.64% and annual growth of 1.64%, while China has a much lower decadal growth rate (5.43%) as well as annual growth rate (053%). Even the global annual population growth rate (1.23%) is much lower than that of India. Does this mean that are we adding more people year after year?                - Drs. H. S. Sudhira and K. V.Gururaja


1: Decide how much weight you need to lose - Most people start their weight loss journey by claiming to be xyz kilos overweight. This isn't a healthy way to project or aim for weight loss. Calculate your desired weight against your height by using reliable methods like the BMI, and set a healthy weight loss target. This is often half the battle won.

2: Time management - Decide which part of your day will be dedicated to exercise, within your current work and home life routine. If you don't do this now, your days will be rushed and unplanned.

3: Stock your kitchen - Keep your house well-stocked with fruits, vegetables, healthy meats, grains, cereals, spices, and favorers. All of this will go into helping the next step - cooking healthy meals at home.

4: Eat healthy home cooked meals - Whether it's you who's cooking, a family-member, or house help, ensures that every one practices healthy cooking methods, and ingredients. Use less oil, low salt, fresh produce, and you'll start seeing results in no time.

5: Start a cardio + weights workout - A healthy weight loss program is incomplete without a good exercise routine, and weight training mixed with cardio is the best way to lose weight. You can either start a home work-out today, or rely on gyms for fitness training.

6: Alter your snacking habits - Set French fries aside, skip that aerated drink, and ban those unhealthy deep fried samosas.

7: Have at least one active hobby - It isn't sufficient to rely on just 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Moving from bed to office chair, and back to bed, isn't a healthy way to live. Buy a motion sensor gaming console that lets you enjoy social games with friends and family, plan weekend trips, clean your house once a week, dance, play sports, the list is endless.

8: Find a solution to combat stress - Stress is always detrimental to healthy weight loss in the long run. Find ways to combat stress and you'll soon realize that your diet and exercise aren't sabotaged anymore, and that you truly do see results. Look at yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simple hobbies like reading to fight stress.

9: Drink plenty of water - You've known that your body relies heavily on water for all important bodily functions, and yet you skimp on drinking adequate quantities of water every day.

10: Plan healthy vacations - Healthy vacations aren't impossible. Take a look at how you can eat smart on a holiday, and then at bodyweight workouts that you can carry with you wherever you go.



Ram: Dad, who is an idiot?

Dad: An idiot is one who tries explaining his ideas in such a strange way that one who’s listening can’t understand him. Do you understand?

Ram: No.


Two thieves are trying to fit a bomb in a car.

Thief 1: What to do if a bomb explodes when we’re fixing it?

Thief 2: Don’t worry; I have an extra bomb!




Blind trust – To be able to have abiding faith and belief in each other.

A good listener – Someone who lends a patient ear when you wish to vent, without trying to bring in his/her own tale of woe!

Empathy – Someone who worries for you and helps you solve problems.

Time – Friends must make time for each other.

Compromise and acceptance – At times, friends need to give way to each other.

Support and a boost for your morale – What use is a friend who will not raise a voice or hand in your support?

Support – You need friends to be there for you, even if just as a quiet, supportive presence.

Enrichment – Friends who help enrich your lives are more valued!                                                                
- V. D. Nangia

Temple is a 6 letter word. Church is a 6 letter word.

Mosque is a 6 letter word.


Geeta is a 5 letter word. Bible is a 5 letter word.

Quran is a 5 letter word


Ø  More of anything is seldom desirable.

Ø  More makeup soon makes you ugly.

Ø  Whatever happens will happen – if you worry about it or not.

Ø  Wanting something too much creates anxiety in yourself and resistance in others.


Forgive even when it’s hard!

Meet you next month – October, 2012


Prof. A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

 Ph : 0422 2423017 Mobile : 98422 42301  (NARA’S DIGEST)  (NARA’S NOTEPAD)


Wednesday, August 1, 2012









“Be brief” – one of my teachers used to tell me when I was a student in the college. I used to think that it will save time if we are brief in talking or writing. Usually, we explain a past action or the present happenings in an exaggerated manner so that the one who hears will get interested to hear. At the same time even if we are brief, people get interested to hear us. This fact is not known to the chatterboxes.

There are people who do not allow others to talk – they start in one subject and end up in some other subject which is altogether different. For example, they may comment on the present day policies and end up in a local dispute between a husband and wife. It is good to spend time for those who do not have any other thing to do. But for busy people it will be a waste of time, so they like to hear in brief. Brief statements can tell us the salient points which are enough for adding to our knowledge.

We see in newspapers or websites the bulleted news items under the heading ‘News Digest.’ A glance at it will tell us what happened yesterday around the world. Writing in brief without missing the main point is in fact an art. One has to practice to talk brief or write brief. When I was a student, there used to be a question on précis writing, probably even now it may be there in schools. The question will have a large passage on some subject like railways or patriotism from some source. We have to read the passage and understand the content and briefly write a précis without missing out the main and salient points in about100 words or so. Of course I, like many others did not take it seriously. We answered the questions only to score some marks. But later on I understood the importance of précis writing.

When we talk or write brief, we use appropriate words more carefully to express our thoughts. Most of the scientific journals request us to write brief research papers to publish. Nowadays it is very costly to print elaborate writings and also for the readers to go through number of pages to extract out a simple point. The readers prefer to have brief reports so that they understand very easily what the scientific research is about.

Poster in a scientific conference is one such brief way of putting the findings in a nutshell. Many scientists and academics find it difficult to brief their findings. They write and rewrite to make their poster brief. Sometimes they solicit others help to make the posters brief. In olden days people used to write long letters extending to four to five pages for their loved ones. But nowadays, a few lines in e-mail or short messages in sms are being sent. Even the words are being abbreviated in a much distorted way to make the mail short and brief. The modern world is following brevity in expressing one’s thought. The communication among people has become so short that we like to be heard very less. Language provides us all possibilities to narrate a long story and at the same time languages also provide us words which can convey messages in a nutshell. Like code words used by defense persons, young people of today are practicing short messages for their friends and others.

Novelists and literary giants used to write a lot to describe a person or a situation in order to bring the attention of the reader into their story. Some of the readers read every word and try to understand the inner meanings and enjoy the author’s aim and also the theme and running of the story, prose or poetry. Even today, in the world of brevity we do find people who like to read a roundabout description sacrificing their precious time. I hope, the number of those people will be getting reduced over time. Certainly the future is for brief communication and deep understanding.

“Be brief” – should be our motto, but it becomes difficult at times to be brief. We describe, expand and exaggerate as I have done in this write-up.


Thanks to

Dr. N. Viswanathan, Former Prof. & Head, TNAU, Coimbatore
for sponsoring the June, July & August issues of




Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.  – Robert Brault

All seasons are beautiful for the person who carries happiness within.  – Horace Friess


1.     Have I chosen to let habits go in the past?

2.     Am I confusing a difficulty with impossibility?

3.     Where is the evidence that I can’t choose to be different?

4.     Am I a certified fortuneteller who can predict the future?

5.     Am I now finally ready to choose to let my habit go?

6.     Can I think of any reason that would compel me to choose to let my habit go – such as if my life or the life of a loved one depends on it? If the answer is yes, I can do it for myself.

7.     Am I completely lacking in inner resources and strengths?



The marriage ceremony is always a sacred ritual, regardless of whether we get married in a temple or church, at the City Hall or on the beach. The soul is always present, and the subconscious mind is always taking note. That’s why the vows made in this way have a powerful impact. And that’s why the most effective way to undo them is through another ritual, a ritual of a different kind, but just as powerful. This time – undoing the old contract and releasing both people from their vows.
It doesn’t matter whether we create the ritual in our physical reality or in a meditative state. What matters is the clarity of our intention and the intensity of our feeling. Our emotional body cannot distinguish between what happens in our imagination or in our physical world. That’s why we cry our hearts out while watching a movie or reading a book.                                                                            – Aurea McCarthy                                           


in vitro Fertilization (IVR)  involves retrieval of an oocyte form the mother, fertilization in a culture plate, development of an embryo, transfer of the embryo back to the uterus of the mother, implantation, further development into a fetus and birth of the young one. In short, it is an assisted reproductive technology involving human intervention to facilitate fertilization and early development of the embryo outside the mother but subsequently returned to the confines of the mother for future development. On 26 July 1978, Robert G. Edwards and Patrick C. Steptoe were the first to report the birth of Louise Joy Brown, a baby girl, born by IVF using a single aspirated oocyte of her mother Lesley Brown, recovered during her natural cycle, which was fertilized and transferred at the eight-cell stage. After a little more three long decades, the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine had been awarded to Edwards for the development of human IVF.



v  Recent survey shows that 100% of people, who drink water, die. That is a fact!

v  Teacher: What is the chemical formula for water?

Student: HIJKLMNO.

Teacher: What are you talking about?

Student: Yesterday you said H to O.


Obesity means having too much body fat, to the extent that it has an adverse impact on your health. What and how much you eat play a significant role in how much you weigh. Most fat calories, especially saturated fats and trans fatty acids found in junk foods are immediately stored in fat cells, which add to the body’s weight and girth as they expand and multiply. Carbohydrate calories from cereals, breads, fruits and vegetables and protein calories from fish, lean meat, skim milk, on the other hand, are converted into fuel almost as soon as they are consumed. If your calorie intake is more than the calorie spent, you put on weight. Certain foods like refined white flour carbohydrates combined with low fibre intake may also interfere with food and energy metabolism. After the age of 40, the body’s metabolic rate slows down by 5 per cent every 10 years; and if you do not improve your eating habits, you will put on weight.
Lack of physical activities and exercise result in low energy expenditure; the result is weight gain and obesity.


Get a piece of paper.

On it, list six people that you know fairly well.

Then drawing two lines and in one column write

what you like about them.

In the other column write what you don’t like about them.

The information you write down about these people

will tell you more about yourself than

it will about the six people.


Ø  When you take care of yourself, others will move towards you.

Ø  Appreciate what you are doing right now – good or bad.

Ø  If you can’t do the best thing, do the next best thing.

Remaining dependent on others stunts your growth!

Meet you next month – September, 2012


Prof. A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

 Ph : 0422 2423017 Mobile : 98422 42301  (NARA’S DIGEST)  (NARA’S NOTEPAD)