Thursday, January 31, 2019


Societies are formed by human beings when they started organizing to lead an orderly life. Such societies were formed based on religion, caste, creed, color and various other criteria such as professions etc. People live in these societies with families and friends. In order to make the societies strong, every family or individuals is made as member. Societies built churches, temples, mosques, gurudwaras and many other places of worship in order to meet their relatives and friends often in those places.

Societies are formed for survival and security. Group of individuals can fight for a cause. They can also safeguard their fellow citizens. As a society, fighting for the human rights and justice is easier. Governments or any organization will hear the voice and take appropriate action for their demands. Individual voices are weaker than the collective voice. Societies celebrate marriages, child birth, religious festivals and even they take care of the demise of people. Societies are service oriented and they are supposed to keep the members in good humour. However, equality in societies is rare, because of economic inequality.

Broadly, every society is divided into three major categories. The lower strata (class), middle strata (class) and upper strata (class) people. In general, the lower strata consist of poor and not well educated people who do manual and menial works. Most of them are homeless, jobless, landless and underprivileged. They do not and cannot follow certain kinds of rules laid out by the society. They live their life carelessly and they are prepared to undertake any kind of risks. We all know their life style which is far below that of the middle strata people. In fact, the people from the middle strata grew up from the lower strata by educating themselves. They worked hard to progress in life, got better jobs and wished to lead a better, comfortable and happy life. This stratum can be subdivided into lower middle class, min-middle class and upper middle class people .the lower middle class people are not economically strong as the middle and upper class people. However there will be a growth towards the middle and upper class.
Numerically in a society the middle class people are higher than the lower and upper class strata. In some society the lower strata is higher in size than the middle strata. Most of the work done in any society is by these important strata. They still have a scope to move up to reach the upper strata. Everyone’s goal is to move somehow towards the upper strata so that they can be more rich, comfortable and socially respected. Such ambitions are very high with the upper middle class people.

The upper strata are above the middle strata having very rich people who are wealthy and socially recognized. Politicians, businessmen, cine artists, certain professionals, landlords and such category of people come under the upper class. Sometimes certain castes are also considered as the upper class. But nowadays anyone who is wealthy and powerful can be in this category. They look upon the middle and lower strata people as inferior to them although they grew up from those strata. There are people who inherit huge properties and wealth from their parents and grandparents. Their behaviour and attitudes are generally different and unique from the common people.   

    Our world is mostly run by such upper class people even in a democracy. So the middle class and lower class people have to obey them and follow their ideas and ideologies. Even within a particular society we do find these three categories. So wherever we go, we see the differences among human beings based on these categories. This phenomenon is continuing from time immemorial and all human beings are adapted to that. The aim is to reach the top of the pyramid with hard work and effort. It continues and will continue forever. - NARA

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