Sunday, July 31, 2022












We know well that there are ups and downs everywhere. Planet earth has ups and downs. There are peaks of mountains and valleys. Similarly, there are ups and downs even on Mars and Moon. People prefer to make these ups and downs of the land into plains so that they can conveniently cultivate crops. But even on hilltops land is made into small patches of fields for cultivation. So we try to bring down the ups to the downs as far as the land is concerned.

Even in our society, we find upper class and lower class people. That is to say, there are rich people and poor people. There are vast differences between these two classes of people. Rich people live a fabulous life whereas poor people live a painful life. So the poor like to climb up to reach the top from the down. Governments try to bridge the gap between the ups and downs. Such attempts did not satisfactorily meet. So still we find the vast difference between these two classes of people.

There are ups and downs in everyone’s life too. Rich or poor has to pass through the ups and downs in life. There will be happiness and success – we call them ups – and there will also be sadness, losses, illness etc – we call them as down. Life is composed of two components – ups and downs. Some say that without ups and downs life will not be interesting. Joy comes due to ups and sadness comes out of downs. In order to lead a successful and satisfying life, we need to manage the ups and down as and when they come. Due to these ups and downs, life becomes a challenge. We do celebrate marriages and at the same time feel sad for someone’s demise. Sufferings bring sadness. There are plenty of quotes on ups and downs. Successful people know how to tackle these two conditions.

Students face ups and downs. He or she faces success and failure in the examinations. Similarly, sports persons face ups and downs. Sometimes they win the match and sometimes they lose. So they have to know the simple fact that ups are not with us always. They come and go. We are the ones who have to tolerate the ups and downs of our entire life.

 One of the areas where we find the interplay of ups and downs is the stock market and gold price. Sometimes the stock market goes up and brings more money for the shareholders. But at the same time, the stock market falls down and people lose lots of money. Gold prices are also not stable. The market rates vary almost every day. Similar is the petrol prices. So, prices going up and down are usual. We all bear it with a heavy heart. Depending on the economic conditions prevailing in a country the ups and downs occur in all walks of life.

Also one can find that ups and downs play an important role in the governance of a country. In a democracy people choose a political party to rule the country. If one party is not doing well, in the next election people vote for the opposition party and make them the rulers. Therefore these are ups and downs in the political system of a country. In business also one can observe ups and downs. A profitable business may turn to losses and lose its existence in the market. We are seeing such ups and downs in many business houses. Due to non-profit, some businesses are sold to other business houses. So even in business ups and downs are operating.

The last thing I want to mention is the ups and downs of music. In every music – classical or modern – there are tones running ups and downs depending on the kind of music. Both in songs and instrumental music we do find such ups and downs of voices and tones are very much evident. In fact, the ups and downs of voice and tones make music.

Finally, we can conclude that the idiom ups and downs, in fact, exist in every walk of life. It’s our duty to manage these two extremes to lead a successful and peaceful life. - NARA






                 Finland                            New Zealand

2.      Denmark                         Canada

3.      Norway                           Austria

4.      Iceland

5.      Netherland

6.      Switzerland                 

7.      Sweden 




The following is a list of features that promote happiness.

Children: Kids bring meaning into our lives, as well as many smiles and belly laughs.

Relatives: Unless you come from a heavily drama-prone family, staying close to relatives can keep your life fun, supportive, and meaningful. Finding low-stress ways to communicate with your family is important for keeping things drama-free, however.

Home: Maintaining a home that acts as a haven from stress is important at the end of the day.

Neighbourhood: Living in a neighbourhood that's close and supportive, or at least one that doesn't involve feuds or danger, can contribute to happiness and decrease stress by offering support and connection.

Community: Being part of a community, whether it's a physical community like the area where you live or a community of friends based on shared spiritual views, life goals, or things in common.​



1.      Listen (or read) to creative people, go to their seminars, and get inspired by their words.

2.   2.   Isolate yourself from noise, interference, and distractions and let ideas come to light.

3.   3.   Talk less, listen more.

4.    4.   Study innovation.

5.    5.  Travel and get in touch with different cultures.

6.   6.   Write, put your ideas on paper, observe them and improve them.



1.                      Focus

2.       Work hard

3.       Be creative

4.       Open your mind

5.       Spread positivity

6.       Enjoy the little things

7.       Put in 100 per  cent effort

8.       Take chances

9.       Smile more




 When I first started studying joy, it was clear that the liveliest places and objects all have one thing in common: bright, vivid colour. Whether it’s a row of houses painted in bold swaths of candy hues or a display of coloured markers in a stationery shop, vibrant colour invariably sparks a feeling of delight. Bright colour adorns festivals worldwide, and it almost seems as if the more intense the colours, the more intense the joy. In China, bright dancing dragons usher in the New Year, while Brazil’s Carnival dazzles with brilliant feathered costumes. During India’s Holi festival, people dispense with decorations and instead throw handfuls of pure coloured powder, creating a stunning spectacle of polychromatic smoke that stains grinning revellers from top to toe. – Ingrid Fetell Lee



Addiction is not a choice. No one chooses to become an addict. But it can happen to anyone of us. None of us is immune. – Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge


I was visiting a distant cousin's house when I saw that he was playing chess with his cat. I said that it had to be the most intelligent cat ever. My cousin replied, "Absolutely not! She has lost all her matches!"


Some scientists decided to do the following experiments on a dog. For the first experiment, they cut one of the dog's legs off, and then they told the dog to walk. The dog got up and walked, so they learned that a dog could walk with just three legs. For the second experiment, they cut off a second leg from the dog, and then they told the dog once more to walk. The dog was still able to walk with only two legs. For the third experiment, they cut off yet another leg from the dog and once more told the dog to walk. However, the dog wasn't able to walk with only one leg.

As a result of these three experiments, the scientists wrote in their final report that the dog had lost its hearing after having three legs cut off.



Ø  Intimacy is the bond that comes from sharing information that isn’t shared with others.

Ø       Intimacy is the feeling of closeness with someone.

Ø       Intimacy requires honesty and openness.

Ø       Intimacy requires there to be a balance between self, the person and the relationship.

Ø       Intimacy is built through a process of sharing ideas, opinions, beliefs and experiences.


Invent something which has never existed before!

Meet you next month –2022


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP



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