Tuesday, November 1, 2022



1. How has your day been?

2. List 15 things that put a smile on your face

3. Name the top 3 emotions you are feeling in this moment

4. Try and name the thoughts that lay behind these feelings

5. How do you want to feel?

6. What thoughts can you think to support the emotions you want to feel?

7. What are you currently struggling with?

8. What does your dream life look like?

9. Write down 3 things you are grateful for (I love to use my Five Minute Journal for gratitude)

10. What made you last laugh?

11. Who can you reach out to today, someone who always makes you feel good?

12. What does happiness mean to you?

13. What does success mean to you?

14. List the 2 memories that you cherish the most

15. List your top 3 fears and the reason behind them


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