Monday, September 30, 2024













War and peace are two of the most fundamental concepts in human history. Throughout the ages, we have seen the devastating consequences of war, from the loss of life and destruction of property to the displacement of people and the destabilization of entire regions. At the same time, we have also seen the transformative power of peace, as individuals and societies work together to create a better world.

War is often driven by a range of factors, including political, economic, and social issues. It can be caused by competition over resources, territorial disputes, ideological differences, or a desire for power and control. It can also have long-lasting impacts on individuals and societies including trauma, poverty and political instability.

Peace, on the other hand, is a state of harmony and cooperation between individuals and groups. It is often driven by a desire for mutual understanding, respect, and compromise. Achieving peace can be a long and difficult process, requiring the commitment and cooperation of individuals and societies. It can involve a range of initiatives, including diplomacy, conflict resolution, and the promotion of human rights and social justice.

One of the most significant challenges facing the world today is the ongoing conflicts in various parts of the world. From the civil war in Syria to the conflict in Yemen to the tensions between North Korea and the US, these conflicts have had devastating consequences for individuals and societies. However, there are also many examples of successful peace initiatives, such as the peace process in Northern Ireland and the peace agreement in Colombia.

The war in Ukraine is a complex conflict began in 2014, following the ousting of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanokovyeh. The conflict arose due to tensions between Ukraine and Russia, with Russia annexing Crimea and supporting separatist movements in eastern Ukraine.

The conflicts have also had significant economic and political impacts, with the Ukrainian government struggling to maintain stability and sovereignty in the face of Russian aggression.

 Efforts to resolve the conflict have been ongoing, with a ceasefire agreement signed in 2015 and several rounds of negotiations held between Ukraine, Russia, and other international actors. However, the conflict has continued, with sporadic outbreaks of violence and ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia.

The international community has played an important role in efforts to resolve the conflict, with the United Nations, European Union, and other organizations providing humanitarian aid and supporting peace initiatives. However, the conflict remains unresolved, and the situation in Ukraine remains fragile and uncertain.

Preventing war and establishing peace is a complex and challenging process that require the commitment and cooperation of individuals, organizations, and governments at all levels. 

Here are some strategies that can help to prevent war and promote peace.

  1. Diplomacy: Diplomacy is an essential tool for preventing war and resolving conflicts. It involves use of dialogue, negotiation, and compromise to find common ground and react mutually beneficial agreements.
  2. Conflict Resolution: Conflict resolution is a process that involves identifying causes of a conflict and finding ways to address them in a peaceful and constructive manner. This can involve mediation, arbitration, or other forms of third-party intervention.
  3. Human Rights: Promoting human rights is an important part of preventing war. By promoting critical thinking, empathy, and understanding of different cultures and perspectives, education can help to reduce prejudice and promote cooperation.
  4. International Cooperation: International cooperation is essential for preventing war and promoting peace. This can involve working together to address global challenges such as climate change, poverty and inequality, as well as supporting peace initiatives in conflict affected regions.
  5. Disarmament: Disarmament is the process of reducing or eliminating weapons and military capabilities. This can help to reduce the risk of conflict and promote peace by reducing the potential for violence.





1. Set and keep your boundaries - if you work for someone else, be clear about over-time and taking work home with you. If you work for yourself, establish the times of day that are no-work zones; good places to start are breaks for meals and deciding when you will start and stop work for the day.

2. Make one day a week "timeless" – rise and shine when you feel like it, eat when you're hungry and let your inner child (or your actual child!) plan your day's activities. Warning: This may conflict with the tip below ;)

3. Cut your T. V time - try limiting it to one hour per day. Or try cutting it out completely for one week.

4. Buddy up and find someone to take back time with. Whether it's your spouse, best friend, family member or work colleague, if you're both committed you won't let each other bow out.

5. Take your holidays! Whether you're self-employed or work for someone else it's important to take time off to rejuvenate. You will be more productive for it in the long run.


Moral values are principles and beliefs which guide human behavior, shape our character, and define our identity. They are essential for individuals, families, communities, and societies, serving as the foundation for healthy relationships, social harmony, and ethical conduct. Here we will explore the importance of moral values for human beings and how they can help us lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

One of the fundamental reasons why moral values are essential for human beings is that provide us with a sense of purpose and direction. They help us understand what is right and wrong, good and bad, just and unjust, and enable us to make informal decisions that align without values and goals. Moral values also help us develop a sense of responsibility and accountability towards ourselves, others, and the world around us, encouraging us to act with integrity, respect, and compassion.

Moreover, moral values play a crucial role in fostering social cohesion and building strong communities. When people share common values and principles, they are more likely to form meaningful relationships, trust each other, and work together towards common goals. Moral values also provide a framework for resolving conflicts and addressing social challenges, promoting tolerance, diversity and inclusivity.

Around essential aspect of moral values in their role in shaping our character and personality. By adhering to moral values, we can develop positive traits such as honesty, kindness, empathy, courage, and humanity. These virtues not only benefit our own well-being but also inspire others to emulate them, creating a ripple effect of positive change. In contrast, a lack of moral values can lead to negative traits such as selfishness, greed, dishonesty, and cruelty, which can harm ourselves and others. When it comes moral values, there are several key principles that are universally recognized and respected. These include honesty, respect for others, fairness, responsibility, empathy, and compassion. Honesty means being truthful and transparent in our words and actions, even if it may be difficult or uncomfortable. Respect for others means treating people with dignity, regardless of their background, beliefs, or status. Fairness means treating people equally and impartially, without bias or discrimination. Responsibility means taking ownership of our actions and their consequences and being accountable for them. Empathy means understanding and sharing the feelings of others, and showing compassion means extending kindness and support to those in need.

In conclusion, moral values are indispensable for human beings. They provide us with guidance, purpose and direction, fostering our personal growth and well-being.



No substance can extend life, but the chances of staying healthy and living longer can be improve if you:

1.       Eat a balanced diet, including five helpings of fruits and vegetables a day.

2.       Exercise regularly (check with your doctor before starting an exercise program if you have any chronic illness).

3.       Get regular health checkup.

4.       Stop smoking (it’s never too late to quit).

5.       Practice safety habits at home to prevent falls and fractures. Always wear your seatbelt in a car.

6.       Stay in contact with family and friends. Stay active through work, play, and community.

7.       Avoid overexposure to the sun and the cold.

8.       Use moderation if you drink alcohol. When you drink, let someone else drive.

9.       Keep financial and personal records in order to simplify budgeting and investing. Plan long-term housing and money needs.

10.    Keep a positive attitude towards life. Do things that makes you happy.



1.         Reduces stress and anxiety.

2.      Increases productivity.

3.      Boosts immunity.

4.      Slows aging.

5.      Improves cardiovascular health.

6.      Enhances focus and concentration.

7.      Encourages a healthy life-style.

8.      Increases retention and memory.

9.      Increases acceptance.



Creativity is especially expressed in the ability to make 

connections, to make associations, to turn things around and 

express them in a new way. – Tim Hansen



A child asked his father, "How were people born?" So, his father said, "Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on." The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him, "We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now." The child ran back to his father and said, "You lied to me!" His father replied, "No, your mom was talking about her side of the family."


Ø  Attitude is a specific orientation towards everything.

Ø  Audience is always attracted towards those who can speak efficiently and effectively.

Ø  Audiences do not relish a talk filled with generalizations.

Ø  Average is defined as the halfway point.


At all costs, you must love what you do…

Meet you next month –2024


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP



  Ph: 0422 4393017 Mobile: 75399 15614