Wednesday, July 31, 2013







264 PAGES, PRICE: Rs. 150/-

If you want a copy, please send a cheque / DD favouring

A. Narayanan, at Coimbatore to:

Prof. A. Narayanan, #19, Phase 5, Maharani Avenue, Vadavalli,

Coimbatore – 641 041 giving your postal address.


Peace of mind is a precious present everyone likes to get in life because it brings in happiness and joy. Also it acts as the firm foundation for achieving great things in all walks of life. Without peace of mind one cannot do much. This is a fact and there is no proof needed to illustrate this simple fact. Therefore we are all in search of peace of mind. Where is it available? What is the cost of it? How to get it? – These are some simple questions look silly. In fact peace of mind is available everywhere and every time.  It is free. Also it’s easy to get it. Everything is in our hands. Someone said, to attain peace of mind one has to live in the present, not in the past and not in the future! Of course, it is true; we get peace of mind if we forget the past and also not expecting much in future. Let the mind be in the present. But it oscillates between the past and the future.  Making the present more productive and pleasant will certainly give us peace of mind.

It is better to forget all difficulties and sufferings of the past remembering the remarkable things we have done. That gives the greatest satisfaction and thus peace of mind. Similarly we need to be fearless about the future. Thinking of a rosy future is one of the ways to attain peace of mind. The kind of peace we expect may not be there every time. Now and then we will be forced to difficulties by circumstances. We have to have patience and strong will power that those difficulties are only passing clouds. The sun will shine in our lives once those clouds pass away. “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Of course not! Hoping for a happy future and planning to attain it will pave a way for peace of mind.

There are millions of billionaires who have everything in life except peace of mind. As a result the possessions become useless. Others may feel that those who have everything in life have peace of mind. But, it is far from true. Still some are successful keeping their mind so strong to enjoy their possessions properly, sharing with all friends and family members. They live in present and try to make his or her life more fruitful and see his happiness in others’ life. Helping the have-nots by the haves brings peace of mind. Indeed, there are many spiritual gurus all over the world who advise human beings who are in need of peace of mind. There are innumerable books written about peace of mind. Meditation, yoga, soft music, good thoughts, growing plants, talking to a good friend etc. are some of the activities that bring peace of mind.

Strong minded people are successful in overcoming difficulties and live in peace of mind. The weak minded persons will have problems to get peace of mind. They are the ones who are in search of peace of mind. They wish to get it by short-cuts. In fact, they do not know that there is no short-cut approach for peace of mind. They need to make their mind strong by avoiding fear from their mind. Fear is one of the strongest enemies for peace of mind. Hence if we drive away fear from our mind, it paves the way for peace of mind. Peaceful mind absorbs more knowledge, allows us to think better, and gives us ideas to solve problems and above all good health and happiness in life. Then why not we try to get peace of mind by simple living and high thinking?



Dr. Y. L. Nene, former International Scientist, ICRISAT and present Chairman, Asian Agri-History Foundation,
Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh

for sponsoring June, July and August 2013 issues.



I create my own happiness. I am appreciated and I appreciate others.  I make decisions with confidence.  I let go things I cannot control. I have the courage to change the things. I should change.


I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and I have the wisdom to know the difference. I allow myself to play and have fun. I have no need to control people or situations. I release all need to control. All my needs, desires, and goals are met. Whatever I can conceive and believe, I can achieve. All things are possible to me because I believe.


  • Human body is like an automobile it needs the following:-
    o Lubrication - Proper exercise is the lubrication of body, it increase circulation and flexibility..
  • Battery charging - Solar plexus is the battery of body and is charged through Pranayam, the yogic breathing.
    o Fuel - Proper diet, food, air, water and sunlight provides the fuel for body
  • Balanced Driver - Mind is the driver of body. It can be balanced and controlled by meditation and concentration
  • Do light exercises regularly.
  • Don't do strenuous exercises like fast running, body building as they increase the metabolism rate of your body
  • Brisk walking is the best exercise to keep control on diabetes and heart problems
  • By living at a cold place (Hill stations), the metabolism rate of the body decreases and the age increases
  • Deep breathing up to the naval and retaining it for some time helps in increasing the life span of a person
  • The normal ratio of our breathing i.e. inhaling, retaining and exhaling should be 1:4:2
  • Keep your posture erect
  • Try inhaling the breath from left nostril during day time and from right nostril during the night time
  • Our internal organs are more important as our outer organs in keeping us healthy. So to keep the liver, stomach and lungs etc. in a healthy state. Daily walking in the morning and evening is very essential.
  • It is possible to even reverse the heart problems by not using oil or ghee at all, by taking only boiled vegetables, doing yogic exercises, and by living a tension free life.


*   I asked my new girlfriend what sort of books she's interested in, she said: Cheque books.

 *   The easiest way to make your old car run better is to check the prices of new car.

*   What is the difference between men and pigs? Pigs don't turn into men when they drink.  

*   What’s the difference between a good lawyer and a great lawyer?

 A:   A good lawyer knows the law. A great lawyer knows the judge.

 *   Nurse:  A beautiful woman who holds your hand for one full minute and then expects your pulse to be normal.

 *   Boss: We are very keen on cleanliness. Did you wipe your feet on the mat as you came in? New employee: Yes, Sir.

 Boss: We are also keen on truthfulness. There is no mat.

 *   Q: Why dogs don't marry? A: Because they are already leading a dog's life!


A peddler knocked at the door of a house-wife, “I sell all kinds of things for a house. Do you want to buy something?”  “No, I don’t want anything,” said the lady firmly.

“May be a pan or a pot?”

“No, I don’t want anything.”

“May be a vacuum cleaner?”

“Now, listen to me. If you don’t get going, I’ll whistle for a policeman.”

“Do you want a whistle?”


Democracies depend on intellectual freedom coupled with the responsibility of individuals and institutions to use their creative potential in morally accountable ways. Sustained and dedicated creative intellectual exploration begets much of our scientific and technological progress. While many emerging technologies raise “dual use” concerns—when new technologies intended for good may be used to cause harm—these risks alone are generally insufficient to justify limits on intellectual freedom.
The principle of democratic deliberation reflects an approach to collaborative decision making that embraces respectful debate of opposing views and active participation by citizens. It calls for individuals and their representatives to work toward agreement whenever possible and to maintain mutual respect when it is not. Public discussion and debate with open interchange among all
   stake holders can promote the perceived legitimacy of outcomes, even if those outcomes are unlikely to satisfy all interested parties. An inclusive process of deliberation, informed by relevant facts and sensitive to ethical concerns, promotes an atmosphere for debate and decision making that looks for common ground wherever possible and seeks to cultivate mutual respect where irreconcilable differences remain. It encourages participants to adopt a societal perspective over individual interests.


Ø  Wealth grants us opportunities to purchase many things, but it simultaneously impairs our ability to enjoy them.

Ø  Listen to your own feelings, not the echoes of other people’s opinions.

Ø  If you want to become smarter, you must keep stirring things up.

Ø  Communication is the solvent of problems.



Don’t settle for less than you’re worth!

Meet you next month – September, 2013


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 2423017 Mobile : 098422 42301  (NARA’S DIGEST)  (NARA’S NOTEPAD)


Tuesday, July 2, 2013



JULY 2013









264 PAGES, PRICE: Rs. 150/-

If you want a copy, please send a cheque / DD favouring

A. Narayanan, at Coimbatore to:

Prof. A. Narayanan, #19, Phase 5, Maharani Avenue, Vadavalli,

Coimbatore – 641 041 giving your postal address.



Dr. Y. L. Nene, former International Scientist, ICRISAT and present Chairman, Asian Agri-History Foundation, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh

for sponsoring June, July and August 2013 issues.


There are so many extraordinary persons among human beings. In a way, they are ‘abnormal.’ Ordinary people become extraordinary when they do something different or abnormal. They are basically same like all of us. We are born from the wombs of our mothers as ordinary babies. We were taken care of our parents as ordinary persons. We were put in schools, our teachers taught us, examined us and promoted us to next classes. Thus we grew up and up to reach a stage to become extraordinary or abnormal. The life experience or the education we received at our early ages prepared us either to make an extraordinary person or an ordinary person.

Who are those extraordinary persons about whom we all know that they could do something different which we are not able to do. There are good lot of examples on earth. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandala, Mother Theresa, Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden – are few examples. Most of the extraordinary people live in the minds of men and women who come in future too. Extraordinary people are appreciated and liked by all ordinary people because they are certainly superior to them. Therefore superiority is one of the characteristics of extraordinary men and women. How do they achieve such superiority over others?

One has to seriously think about this aspect. Gene and environment can make any one superior. Genetically one can inherit the character of superiority from parents, grand-parents or grand-grand-parents. At the same time, environment in which one is brought up can be the cause for making someone superior or inferior. The interaction of gene into environment is considered to be one of the important factors that determine the character.

Talented people excel in their profession. The talent they possess comes from them by education, training and self-help processes. Perseverance is another factor to achieve superior qualities in one’s life. Creative mind always make people better and superior. Be creative in any aspect of life! – for which you have to be different from others in thinking and action. Therefore, to become superior is not easy. Sometimes hard work makes someone great. In fact, success in life comes because of hard work which is not put forth by normal persons who go easy, whereas the so called abnormal people always involve themselves in hard work in whatever field they work.

An element of abnormality is essential to be different from others. Only if one is different from others I structure or function, others notice it and appreciate and admire or despise and dislike. We do find the two kinds of people among us. One, we appreciate and the other we detest and disregard. There are gentlemen and also there are rude people in any human society. Making everyone good is an impossible job however much we try. Everything depends on the environment and circumstances one is placed. If they are good, one tends to become good and become superior and powerful. If we try with a willingness to become an achiever, then it is possible to become a hero in the human population.

There are millions of people in the fancy name of fans behind celebrities – cine-stars, sportsmen and women, politicians, religious leaders and so on, because they are abnormal according to me. They have reached a stage to get appreciation because of their abnormality.



When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. Even if you are saying something banal, it will seem original if you make it vague, open-ended, and sphinx-like. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.


The average temperature of the earth's surface is about 15°C (59°F). The temperature largely is determined by the amount of energy absorbed from the sun versus the amount of energy emitted into space by the earth. The energy absorbed by the sun mainly covers wavelengths from the ultraviolet (< 400 nm) through the visible (400 to 700 nm) through the ultraviolet (> 700 nm). Any change in the balance between the quantity of energy absorbed compared to the amount emitted affects climate. The "greenhouse effect" is concerned with the infrared radiation given off by the earth. Part of this radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere, rather than being lost to space. The gases in the atmosphere that absorb infrared light primarily are water (H2 O), carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), nitrous oxide (NO2) and methane (CH4). The gases act as a sort of insulating blanket for the earth, in the same way they would act to lessen heat loss from a greenhouse, hence the name 'greenhouse effect'. It is estimated that the mean global surface temperature of the earth would be -25°C (-13°F) if not for the absorption of energy by carbon dioxide and water.

The concentration of water vapour in the atmosphere is higher than that of carbon dioxide. Consequently, most of this energy conservation is attributable to water. You can see this effect when you look at how temperature drops less on nights with heavy cloud cover as opposed to clear skies or when you consider how large the temperature difference between day and night is in places with lower relative humidity, like the desert. Although the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is low (~375 ppm in 2005), it has been increasing appreciably over time. A century ago, the carbon dioxide concentration was less than 300 ppm. Human activities are accountable for this increase, including consumption of fossil fuels and extensive clearing of land (less carbon dioxide can be consumed by photosynthesis). Changes in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are associated with changes in the earth's climate.


1. Connect with nature – Go for a walk in the forest, jungle, field of daisies, or wherever you feel like getting a connection with nature. It is possible to feel at deep sense of peace and oneness when you attempt to connect with nature. As you learn to connect and appreciate nature, you allow your consciousness to rise up.

2. Get your body moving – Exercise and dancing will raise your consciousness by promoting healthy brainwave patterns, healthy neurotransmitter levels, and great circulation throughout your nervous system. Help yourself rise up and break the pattern of not exercising by going for a friendly walk with one of your friends or even going to the club to dance.

3. Simple meditation - Whether you are an advanced meditator or a beginner, the benefits are tremendous and will allow you to tap into your highest state of conscious functioning if you stick around long enough. It is an act that will definitely raise your conscious awareness and allow you to attain greater focus, discipline, and develop a deeper joyous connection to life.

4. Spending time with true friends - Find only friends that aligns with who you are, your beliefs, and your values – they will make you more conscious. These are your true friends, and though they can be tough to find, they should definitely be cherished. Give some of your true friends a call and make it a habit to spend more time with them.                                                       

6. Tell the truth - Anytime you tell the truth, you raise your level of consciousness. Why do people tell lies? To protect themselves in lower states of consciousness. People in higher states of consciousness don’t lie because they want to be true to themselves, others, and make relationships in humanity more conscious.             -Chris Cains


A tour bus driver is driving with a bus full of seniors when a little old lady comes up and offers him a handful of peanuts, which he gratefully munches. After about 15 min, she hands him another handful of peanuts. She repeats this gesture about five more times. The sixth time, he asks her why they don’t eat the peanuts themselves.

“We can’t because we’ve no teeth,” she replied. The puzzled driver asked, “Then why do you buy them?”

The old lady replied, “We just love the chocolate around them.”



Do not speak about your money in front of a poor person.

Do not speak about your health in front of a sick person.

Do not speak about your power in front of a weak person.

Do not speak about happiness in front of a sad person.

Do not speak about your freedom in front of a prisoner.

Do not speak about your children in front of an infertile person.

Do not speak about your mother and father in front of an orphan.

Because their wounds cannot bear more.


Ø  A man doesn’t know what he knows until he knows what he doesn’t know.

Ø  Let’s take the time to appreciate people for what they are and what they can do, instead of focussing on their defects.