Monday, October 23, 2017












“Be brief” – one of my teachers used to tell me when I was a student in the college. I used to think that it will save time if we are brief in talking or writing. Usually, we explain a past action or the present happenings in an exaggerated manner so that the one who hears will get interested to hear. At the same time even if we are brief, people get interested to hear us. This fact is not known to the chatterboxes.

There are people who do not allow others to talk – they start in one subject and end up in some other subject which is altogether different. For example, they may comment on the present day policies and end up in a local dispute between a husband and wife. It is good to spend time for those who do not have any other thing to do. But for busy people it will be a waste of time, so they like to hear in brief. Brief statements can tell us the salient points which are enough for adding to our knowledge.

We see in newspapers or websites the bulleted news items under the heading ‘News Digest.’ A glance at it will tell us what happened yesterday around the world. Writing in brief without missing the main point is in fact an art. One has to practise to talk brief or write brief. When I was a student, there used to be a question on précis writing, probably even now it may be there in schools. The question will have a large passage on some subject like railways or patriotism from some source. We have to read the passage and understand the content and briefly write a précis without missing out the main and salient points in about100 words or so. Of course I, like many others did not take it seriously. We answered the questions only to score some marks. But later on I understood the importance of précis writing.

When we talk or write brief, we use appropriate words more carefully to express our thoughts. Most of the scientific journals request us to write brief research papers to publish. Nowadays it is very costly to print elaborate writings and also for the readers to go through number of pages to extract out a simple point. The readers prefer to have brief reports so that they understand very easily what the scientific research is about.

Poster in a scientific conference is one such brief way of putting the findings in a nutshell. Many scientists and academics find it difficult to brief their findings. They write and rewrite to make their poster brief. Sometimes they solicit others help to make the posters brief.

In olden days people used to write long letters extending to four to five pages for their loved ones. But nowadays, a few lines in e-mail or short messages in sms are being sent. Even the words are being abbreviated in a much distorted way to make the mail short and brief.

The modern world is following brevity in expressing one’s thought. The communication among people has become so short that we like to be heard very less. Language provides us all possibilities to narrate a long story and at the same time languages also provide us words which can convey messages in a nutshell. Like code words used by defence persons, young people of today are practising short messages for their friends and others.

Novelists and literary giants used to write a lot to describe a person or a situation in order to bring the attention of the reader into their story. Some of the readers read every word and try to understand the inner meanings and enjoy the author’s aim and also the theme and running of the story, prose or poetry. Even today, in the world of brevity we do find people who like to read a roundabout description sacrificing their precious time. I hope, the number of those people will be getting reduced over time. Certainly the future is for brief communication and deep understanding. “Be brief” – should be our motto, but it become difficult at times to be brief. We describe, expand and exaggerate as I have done in this write-up.

There are three kinds of bores:

1. The ordinary bores. Usually well-meaning but incapable of extending a conversation beyond ‘how is life?’

2. The crashing bores – so full of themselves that they forget the effects of a dreary monologue on listeners.

3. The thundering bores – resembling a stuck gramophone record, repeating the same tune to the point of exasperation.


1. Looking down at the floor when speaking to someone.

2. Slouching when you’re standing or sitting down.

3. Frowning and not smiling enough.

4. Avoiding strangers.

5. Making a poor first impression.

6. Not making an effort to speak well.

7. Not being a good listener.

8. Not staying in touch with your acquaintances.

9. Not being proactive.

10. Not enjoying social life.

11. Not facing your fears.

12. Refusing to be open minded.


Living clutter-free does not mean living in a sterile environment; it means getting rid of the excess so that everything around you is there for a reason.

The past is over and the future isn’t here yet. Confronting the emotions raised by clutter will make living in the present less threatening.

In the course of clutter clearing, you may get rid of something that you later wish you’d kept. Emotionally healthy people do feel regret; but then they let it go, trusting that an equal or better item will be available if they need it.

Letting go of regrets about your present clutter will help free you from the fear of regret that drives the accumulation of future clutter.

People who are able to live without clutter trust themselves to make good choices. As you become more conscious of what you allow into and keep in your home you will develop a higher level of trust your own decisions.

Hoarding against an uncertain future reveals a lack of faith in the ability of the universe to provide what you need at the time you need it. The antidote is to focus on gratitude for all that you never have, and for all the ways in which you are being provided for. – Stephanie Roberts


Being able to deal effectively with the inevitability of change is essential if you are to survive. Learning is the key to dealing with change, whether in your personal circumstances – you are given a new job or you move house – or a more global issue such as the arrival of the internet which has provided new opportunities and challenges in every aspect of life. The faster the world around you in changing the faster you need to learn in order to be able to keep up with it.


1. No matter how long it takes, and how beaten down you are, refuse to give in, or to relinquish your dream. Just get up one more time and then decide to try again.

2. We all slip up, and encounter obstacles. Just determine to keep going, and to get on track again. It doesn’t mean it’s over. It’s all part of the course.

3. We all need support and encouragement in life – so eliminate the negative or toxic influences. You don’t need those people who are quite to criticise, and don’t  really help you to move closer to your dream.

4. Surround yourself with people who are similar to you, who have the same ambitions, outlooks and points of view. They’ll help to spur you onwards, and provide support you need.

5. Be inspired by other people who overcame defeat...who built a life from nothing or turned their life around. Learn from their perseverance, and their will to succeed.

6. Imagine how you’ll feel when you’ve reached the foal you’ve set. Try and picture what you’ll look like, and how your life will be.


Once, a wealthy lawyer was riding in his limousine,  he saw two men eating grass on the way. He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.

“Why are you eating grass?” he asked.

“We don’t have money for food,” the man replied.

“Oh, well, you can come with me to my house” instructed the lawyer.

“But, Sir, I have a wife and two kids with me!”

“Bring them along!” said the lawyer.

He turned to the other man and said “you come with us too.”

“But Sir, I have a wife and three kids!” he said.

Bring them, as well!” said the lawyer.

They all climbed into the car, which was no easy task, even in a limousine. Once underway, one of the poor fellows says, “Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you.”

The lawyer replied, “You’ll love my place, the grass is almost a foot tall.”


1. Listen to what you want to do, not what others want you to do.
2. Listen to who you want to be, not what others want you to be.
3. Stop hiding your true thoughts and feelings; start being true to who you really are.
4. Stop criticizing and putting yourself down start appreciating and loving who you are. 
5. Stop saying ‘yes’ when you’d much rather saying ‘no.’
6. Start dreaming more, and try different things.
7. Forget about the past and enjoy what’s happening now.
8. Appreciate the good things and the beauty and life’s joys.


Ø  Never spend time thinking about what is ‘missing’ from your life.

Ø  Never think of anything unfavourable to yourself or anyone else.

Ø  Never walk on the travelled path, because it only leads you where the others have been.

Words should be weighed and not counted!

Meet you next month – October, 2017


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP



Saturday, October 21, 2017



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'Donald Trump, the President of the USA celebrated DIWALI at White House and hailed the contributions of Indian-Americans.’ A news item I read in news papers published in India. I felt it is a great compliment our fellow Indians got.

Millions of Indians live in the United States of America. They live there as students, doctors, engineers, computer scientists, business men and women and what not? Indians are found in all sorts of professions. The USA, land of opportunities gets benefits from all these millions to uplift their economy. Every individual Indian in fact, contributes to the growth and progress of this rich country. They are peaceful, tolerant, hard working and above all intelligent. Most of them have become Indian Americans by getting the so called ‘green cards.’ They have the privileges of American citizens. Some Indians are married to Native Americans or other races who turned to be American citizens. Their children automatically become Americans and enjoy the citizenship rights. Likewise there thousands and thousands of Indian thrive in this great country!

Indian families continue to spend years and their generations find it as a better place to live and work. We feel they are a happy lot living in a foreign land with all sorts of comfort. I am not very sure whether they justify our feelings. Since the living conditions, strict law and order and above all their ‘mind-your-business’ attitude help everyone to live free and happy.

In fact, Indians who live in America or any other country eat like Indians. Few people switch over to the food habits of Americans after living for generations. Indian restaurants and shops provide Indian foods and goods. Most of the Indian groceries are being imported from India either legally or illegally and distributed to super market outlets. Basmati rice, curry leaf, mangoes, coffee, tea and things like that are very popular in the US markets. So Indians although live in a far off land, can get those desired items without difficulty.

I found that Indians belonging to different States of India group together and form associations so that they meet and establish a close relationship to help each other at times of difficulty. They do learn and teach Indian classical music and dances and perform during the festival days! Such groups are found all over the country. Hindi speaking, Tamil speaking, Telugu speaking, Malayalam speaking, Kannada speaking, Gujarati speaking groups have their own associations.

The parents and grand-parents of these Indians in the US get 6-month visa initially from the US Embassy after a routine interview before plan to make a travel to see their dear ones. When they proceed to the US the airlines limit their luggage so that they restrict all kinds of Indian stuff for their dear ones. However the parents make some good tasty things which their descendants like most and pack for them pickles, sweets, banana and tapioca chips and good lots of spice powders for Indian curries. Interesting life indeed!

I too undertook such pilgrimage with my wife for two times to visit my daughter and son-in-law and their kids. Life in a foreign country is an opportunity but it is restricted, disciplined and systematic. Enjoying such a life needs more hobbies and liking for touring and learning about others and their culture and country. More and more people are moving to this country everyday to earn and to have a decent life.

We do find some of the Indian-Americans are in the political fields as diplomats, senators, ambassadors, scientific fields, space science, IT fields so successfully. It gives us a great satisfaction. USA is in the minds and hearts of young men and women in Indian Universities. They dream to go to this country of opportunities and make their life bright and happy. Let their dream come true and let them prosper.


Why friendships take time to develop is that they require mutual trust between people, and trust takes time to develop. To gain someone’s trust you must reveal some personal information and feelings so that the other person can gain a real sense of what kind of person you are, and what you are sensitive to. As time goes on you and your friends will disclose more personal information, and the trust between you will grow. In the early stages of friendship, people sometimes don’t know how much to reveal about themselves. If you are aware of the balance of information being traded back and forth, then your rate of self-disclosure will probably appropriate.

A firm belief someone’s honesty and reliability can take quite a while to develop; while a breach of trust can destroy a relationship in a very brief period of time. When someone displays trust in you and confides in you, don’t disappoint him/her by isolating him/her faith and confidence in you.


Words are of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. – R.

Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains
after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones –
Benjamin Franklin


A man gets out of his car, walks all the way out to the farmer and asks him: “Ah, excuse me mister, but what are you doing?” The farmer replies: “I’m trying to win Nobel Prize.”

“How?” the man asks puzzled.

“Well, I heard they give the Nobel Prize to people who are

outstanding in their field.”

“Hey mom! Why are you pushing the car off the cliff?”

“Shut up son, you’ll wake your father.”

When does a woman enjoy a man’s company?

When she owns it.

Film Director to Actor: “You have to jump into a swimming pool from 100 feet.”

Actor: “But I don’t know swimming Sir.”

Film Director: “Don’t worry, there is not water.”


Changing life is not easy and requires plenty of effort on your part. You can change your life by transforming some your thoughts or changing your perspective at life.

1. Express willingness to change and learn. If you just jot down the desired changes and forget about them, it will be of no use.

2. Be aware of the exact changes you want to make. You can make a list of the changes you would like to see and work towards achieving them accordingly.

3. Avoid complaining. We complain about everything that comes our way and hold back the power to create a new life. You should avoid complaining and instead learn to deal with situations effectively.

4. Risks are part and parcel of life. Each of us experiences the fear of risks when we embark on new projects or wish to make any major changes. When you decide to change your life, some risks are bound to be involved.

5. Live every moment of your life and enjoy the beauty experiencing new things that life gives you. Stop worrying about present situations or about your future and enjoy the present. Worrying only leads to high levels of stress, which again affects you in a negative way.

6. There may be certain experiences in the past that may have caused trouble in your life. This emotional baggage always obstructs your mind from making any sort of changes.

7. When you finally start observing changes in your life, you will be motivated to bring about more changes. You can also treat yourself once in a while when you bring about a particular change successfully.

8. In case you want to change your financial condition, then you can analyse your present situation and map out an effective plan to increase your finances.

9. Changes sometimes can be hard to deal with. At such times, we need support and care from loved ones. You can ask your friends for their support and help while making any major changes in your life.

10. Change your life by changing the way you look at certain things. Start finding out the positive points in every situation and person. Change your perspective about things and learn to adapt to new surroundings and changes. Keep your mind open and learn things from this.


Ø  Most opportunities only come along once; seize them.

Ø  Most people like to be perceived as likeable in the eyes of others.

Ø  Most people live, whether physically, intellectually or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being.

Most people on the planet want to blame others.

Meet you next month – November, 2017


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP