Saturday, March 31, 2018


APRIL 2018



Sri. R. Padmanaban
Consultant, Tea Plantations at Darjeeling, Assam & Nepal
17/22 Titan Township, Madhagiri, Hosur 635 110
Ph: 094431 42391


Earning money is very important for everyone. So we all earn money by various methods. Some are legal and others illegal. All these money thus earned are used or rather spent for buying food items, dresses, paying bills, buying vehicles, houses and other essential items for our family members. At the same time, some money is saved for the future use. In fact, the money earned is spared to others directly or indirectly.

Spending money is to get something like goods and services, hence our money goes to various people who sell these goods and services and in turn the money flows to all the people involved in the production and processing of goods and also to people who are involved in offering us short and long term services. Thus our money is penetrating into all strata of people to make the economy of our country strong. In other words a bit of our money is in everything and everywhere. Direct or indirect spending certainly helps people around us and us too. Thus large number of people gets their job and involve in this money transfer or spread. It’s a kind of economics I suppose.

Indirect spreading of money happens by depositing it in banks or investing in stock market or in business. The banks offer interest against savings and fixed deposit accounts. Similarly the stock market yields more or less money depending on the market fluctuations. The money we invest in banks, stock markets or in business are being reinvested or loaned again in various projects with a handsome interest. A part of such interest is credited to us. So the money we have can yield us more money too.

On the other hand if we keep the money in a locker it doesn’t grow; it remains idle. It doesn’t benefit others! It is ‘still’ or ‘dead’ money. Such locked up money will not bring economic growth in a country. The so called ‘black money’ is the ‘still’ or ‘dead’ money. Some of us buy gold and keep it in lockers of bank safely. They may bring in more money when the price of gold increases, but it doesn’t help the circulation or spreading of money to accelerate the motion of economics.

The people who have religious faith liberally donate money/gold to temples like the one at Tiruvananthapuram, Tirupathi, Sabarimalai and many other places in India. Huge amount of gold bars and money are idle with these temples. Of course small part of these donations is used for certain social services like health care and education. However, the wealth thus accumulated is going on growing day by day.

In fact, money not used cannot promote the economic growth of a country. Vibrant economy is result of vibrant use, spending, spreading and investment of our money. Banks do their job of advertizing for various projects for investing money and try to collect as much money as possible from the public to loan out for infrastructure growth, real estate establishments, various kinds of businesses, transportation etc. Sometimes some people loot these loans and disappear and migrate to other countries. There are some incidents in the recent past. I feel economics work at all levels of our everyday life. If we think seriously, we can improve our country’s economy to a great extent. The point is: Do not keep your money idle, invest and make it to grow.


Great ideas begin with thinking. Our Corporate militates against thinking because we are evaluated on our output with emphasis on the out. Thinking is given a low priority because we tend not to value it. Managers can encourage others to take the time to think by doing it themselves and talking about it. Not everything we conceive of should be attempted, but when one idea is combined with two, three, or four others, the result might turn out to be a breakthrough. Make a habit of talking about ideas.


The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old 

age. – Aldus Huxley

Do not ask for fairness in your life but instead ask for 

opportunities. – Hubert Koh

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see 

is a perspective not the truth. – Marucus Aurelius


We live in a globalized world. We eat foods produced across the globe; we use electronics whose components come from dozens of places around the world; we can communicate instantaneously with anyone anywhere who has a computer with wi fi or a cell phone.
With globalization has come awareness. We can quickly know about the conditions under which people live and work in other countries. We can find out about the plight of other species, or about pollution or deforestation. If the nightly news doesn't report on these issues, we can discover them through our computers in minutes.
Knowing so much changes us. Or at least has the potential to change us. It enables us to be less tribal, provincial, and self-centered; to think of others outside our family, neighborhood, and even nation; to dwell as often on those we affect as on what affects us.
This is a good thing, but it's not an easy thing. Being aware of global atrocities, suffering, and destruction is hard and requires commitment, will, and effort. Being focused primarily on oneself and one's family, friends, and associates comes more naturally and easily. After all, we've evolved with this tribal mentality for millennia.
The problem is that this sort of modern tribalism backfires in a globalized world. We are not only complicit in the warming of our planet, the toxins entering our waterways, the exploitation of others in distant lands, which breeds conflict, resentment, and hostility; we are also ultimately negatively affected by these things. –Zoe Weil


A few basic lifestyle changes can bring a long-lasting desired difference for a healthier and happier life. Here are some tips.
1. Eat a rainbow everyday: Opt for colors. Make sure you eat your greens, reds, whites, purples and oranges because these colored fruits and vegetables contain key chemicals. These help us to fight off diseases and strengthen the immune system and keep us in good shape.
2. Go vegetarian once a week (for non-vegetarians): Go vegetarian for one day a week for dietary or religious reasons is a small change in the diet that can improve your health. This extra fiber will improve bowel function and tribute to the nutritional value of your diet.
3. Limit alcohol and smoking consumption: Limit your levels of indulgence. The combination of alcohol and smoking not only affects liver and lungs, as well as increase cholesterol levels, it also has a negative impact on memory.
4. Physical health and weight management: It is important to have routine preventive health check-ups done so that one can predict the problems in the health and can manage them and prevent them. Weight management seems to be the centre of good health. Maintaining normal weight not only reduces heart diseases, but also prevents certain cancers like breast cancer.
5. Keep abreast of social activities: Meeting people socially is an extremely important human behavior and one must always enjoy being a part of the society. However, it is best to avoid late nights as this can affect both the mental and physical health.
6. Balance, balance, balance: Live a balanced life. Practice this   philosophy of balance in everything in what your daily routine is, what you eat, who you meet, what is your activity level, how much you sleep and how much you sleep and how much you eat.


There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. It’s just not worth it. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question: “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?”
What difference will that make? Is your ego really that big?


A blonde tells to another blonde:
- Do you know where the light from the kitchen goes when you turn it off?
- No
The blonde takes another blonde to the fridge and says: HERE.


Ø  A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.
Ø  A man without any self-discipline is always erratic.
Ø  A mighty flame follows a tiny spark.
Ø  A mind that battles conflicting thoughts is not peaceful.

Do what you want to do now!

Meet you next month –2018


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobil : 75399 15614

Friday, March 2, 2018


MARCH 2018



10/3A Ramaswamy Nagar, Anjaneyar Koil Street, Marudhamalai Road, Coimbatore – 641046
for sponsoring January to March 2018 issues.


India is a vast country with so many States, languages, castes, religions and cultures. With such diversities the country manages a billion plus people who live in villages, hills, seashores and urban areas. The country elects its representatives through political parties which are innumerable with all kinds of leaders. They are in general, experts in finding fault with the ruling parties.
As an individual, and a common man of this country I think that what the country has achieved in development since independence is enormous. We have to be proud of it. We have shown progress little or more in various fields. Think of it! In spite of innumerable problems – big and small – we could able to march on and show to the so-called developed world that ‘we can do it.’
Many may say the progress is not sufficient. I do agree, but with the diversity and democracy we have lots of limitations. To overcome these limitations and show progress in education, industry, export, health care, housing, art, culture, science and technology, space research is really a monumental task the successive democratic governments could achieve for all of us. Can anyone deny this fact?
People start comparing India with America or Europe or Australia. People should also know how many problems they face to show the world that they are developed! Poverty and hunger are present everywhere in the world including India - So also corruption and terrorism. There are projects and programs to tackle them and try to reduce the extent possible.
There are more people out there to criticize the governments, but they do not understand the difficulties faced by each and every ministry either in the Center or in the States. It is easy to allot money in annual budgets to various ministries.

But the money has to reach the appropriate place in appropriate time. Otherwise it is not possible to spend the money in time that is before the next year budget. The hurdles the governments face are enormous. No one realizes the complicated administrative system we adopt for spending government money. In spite of all these impediments our administrative machinery had and has played and playing an important role to make India great!

Therefore it is the duty of every citizen – literate and illiterate – to follow rules and cooperate with any government in power. Think of what we are not having?

We have everything available in our country (probably except honesty). We should develop an attitude of belonging to our nation. We all have a role to play in making our country great! This can be achieved simply by doing our duty sincerely with devotion. Let us start doing it. Our country and the people of our country will grow and progress and prosper.


1.      You get what you spend your time doing.
2.      Get feedback.
3.      Make mistakes.
4.      Only hire people who you would work for.
5.      Make a change in the world.
6.      Learn from the people around you.
7.      Build a really good team.
8.      Give the very best experience.

9.      Care the most about it.
10.   Social bonds are critical.


1. Ask yourself “What’s important?” Take a step back and think about what’s important to you. What do you really want to be doing, who do you want to spend your time with, what do you want to accomplish with your work? Make a short list of 4-5 things for your life, 4-5 people you want to spend time with, 4-5 things you’d like to accomplish at work.
2. Examine your commitments. A big part of the problem is that our lives are way too full. We can’t possibly do everything we have committed to doing, and we certainly can’t enjoy it if we’re trying to do everything. Accept that you can’t do everything, know that you want to do what’s important to you, and try to eliminate the commitments that aren’t as important.
3. Do less each day. Don’t fill your day up with things to do. You will end up rushing to do them all. If you normally try to do 7-10 things, do 5 important ones instead. This will give you time to do what you need to do, and not rush.
4. Leave space between tasks or appointments. Another mistake is trying to schedule things back-to-back. This leaves no cushion in case things take longer than we planned (which they always do), and it also gives us a feeling of being rushed and stressed throughout the day.
5. Eliminate as much as possible from your to-do list. You can’t do everything on your to-do list. Even if you could, more things will come up. As much as you can, simplify your to-do list down to the essentials.
6. Now, slow down and enjoy every task. Try to slow down and enjoy whatever you’re doing. Try to pay attention, instead of thinking about other things. Be in the moment. Enjoy the present.


1. Music and mood: Music can have either a positive or negative effect on our mood. It is partly related to memories, associations, and how much we like or dislike the music.
2. Food and mood: Studies have revealed that people who consume a large amount of olive oil have lower levels of depression. Also, salmon and walnuts (which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids) have mood-boosting properties. High-carbohydrate comfort foods stimulate the reward centre in the brain, and help to reduce stress levels.
3. Interactions with strangers and mood: Even brief interactions tend to have a positive effect on mood. This may be because we act cheerful – and that, in turn, affects how we feel.
4. Skepticism and mood: We are more skeptical of others’ intentions, and are more likely to catch them lying to us, when we’re in a negative frame of mind. In contrast, happy people tend to be overly trusting, optimistic, and blind to other peoples’ character flaws.
5. Exercise and mood: Numerous studies have confirmed that exercise can increase blood flow to the brain, help create new neurons, and stimulate the release of mood-regulating chemicals (specifically, dopamine and serotonin.)
6. Age and mood: As people age, they tend to focus more on the positives – which leads to higher levels of subjective happiness.
7. Intuition and mood: When we feel happy, we’re more likely to trust our gut reactions than we are when we’re feeling negative and down.
8. Weather and mood: Many peoples’ moods are significantly affected by weather. That is, we feel down and blah on cold, grey days … and energetic and happy on bright sunny days.


The proper definition of “man” is an animal that writes letters. – Lewis Caroll

Ideas come from walking, from listening, from observing, from doing, from reading, from believing, from disagreeing, from dreaming, from scheming, from asking and from having an open mind. – Peter Jacobi


ACCEPTING CHANGE: Being able to deal effectively with the inevitability of change is essential if you are to survive. Learning is the key to dealing with change, whether in your personal circumstances – you are given a new job or a more global issue. The faster the world around you is changing the faster you need to learn in order to be able to keep up with it.


Boy To Gym Coach: “I Wanna Impress Cute Girl, I’m Gonna Meet In 3 Days Which Machine Should I Use?
Coach: “Use The ATM Machine Outside The Gym

A boy goes with his mother in a taxi,
In between taxi passes by a red light area.
The boy asks his mother after looking at the call girls,
Mom, who are they ?
Mother replied: They are waiting for their husbands.
Taxi driver: Why are you lying the kid ?
He says, son they are prostitutes. They sleep and earn money!
Child Asks: Then mom what happens to the kids these women give birth to?


Ø   A man cannot be taught to be kind, good, or generous by legislation.
Ø   A man living a life of ease and comfort can never grow to his full stature; it is only a man who lives a hard life that manifests all his gifts in full.
Ø   A man is happy if he is able to retain his calmness.

Know there is plenty for everyone!

Meet you next month –2018

Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 098422 42301