Sunday, April 28, 2013


Scientists are an elite group of so-called intellectuals respected (?) or sometimes not respected by the society. They are not exposed to the common man very much as the politicians are. In fact, scientists help the society to live in comfort and thus they make us healthy and happy. They try to make things better for human beings. Therefore most of the common men respect them. Are they proving their worth for the respects they get from the people? May be, yes or may be not!

Scientists teach and carry on research. By teaching, they share knowledge of science to students of science. These students are examined at various levels and graded. Also the students are taught to do research to solve problems or to find out new products for the benefit of people. We all know how we depend on those new products such as medicines, electricity, computers and mobile phones with thousands of applications with them. There is no doubt that scientists serve the people day in and day out.

Science has no border. In today’s world, there is no restriction for using the scientific gadgets developed in one country in another country. No nation is refusing to accept science and scientific knowledge although a set of religious people (fanatics?) oppose some of the scientific theories and concepts. It is understandable because people believe in traditional beliefs followed over time.

Even some of the scientists are superstitious! They are supposed to find the truth and truth only by experimentation and proofs. But their mind and social set up do not allow them to be a thinking animal. Thinking deep sometimes leads to madness. But thinking in the right direction to correct peoples’ inabilities such as diseases is a great achievement the medical science has performed.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to diagnose and understand the cause of a disease; unless someone (a doctor) who is an expert either in human anatomy or physiology or genetics come forward to help the suffering lot of the human population. Every day the number of road accidents in every city of the world is innumerable and beyond our imagination. The victims of these accidents are treated with care and medical knowledge by the medical experts. They are successful in some cases and fail in others. So science can help human beings only to a certain extent, beyond which it is beyond science and scientists.

The improvement in science and scientific research by converging all available knowledge is constantly going on all over the world for which every nation is contributing lot of money. Even the private organizations are also taking the responsibility of training people in various fields of science. Basic sciences like Physics, Chemistry and Biology are developing at a faster rate today and contribute a lot for applied science. The future of mankind is determined by scientific knowledge and its utilization to provide what the next generation wants. The ‘wants’ and ‘needs’ of man and women are not going to decrease. They are increasing and will be increasing in future too. To meet such situations only scientists can help. Of course, the technologists make the scientific results into services and products in order to popularize across the nations of the world. People are more interested in the applied aspects of science, not on the fundamentals of science which is the domain of scientists. Making science popular among people is to be tried through various media will  bring it close to common men and women. In fact, science is fascinating and fantastic for all of us!

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