Wednesday, August 31, 2016








Prof. T. V. Chalam,

Assoc. Dean, ANGRAU (Retd.)

Director, Sri Lakshmi Educational Institutions,

Narsingraopet, Kurnool – 518 004; Ph. 9642657742

for sponsoring Sept. 2016 to Aug. 2017 issues.




In democratic countries, we find a number of political parties headed by a leader or a leader with his family members. It is more evident in India than in Western countries as I know. These political parties are something like the honey bee colonies. Every time a queen bee is born in a hive a new colony takes shape. Likewise, if the leaders in a party differ in their views, they start a new party with a section of the cadres.

In other words, political parties divide the people based on ideology or personal interest. In fact, most of the ideologies are similar in nature. However parties want to remain as separate entities so that leaders of these parties get prominence among the people. Ideologies apart, the people are divided based on caste, religion, language etc. ‘Divide and rule’ is a good policy political parties employ for their survival and existence. Because of such stupid methods, people fight each other, commit criminal activities, hate the people belonging to another political party and talk ill of others. They do all these to show the loyalty to their leaders.

The divisions created by political parties kill the principle of democracy. The divided people are loyal to their leaders and prepared to do anything to save their leaders. The expectation of those cadres is that they will become leaders one day or other and enjoy the seats of power! Some are successful and others are not. However the expectations are there in their minds. Following a leader is a hard thing to do. Satisfying the leader is the main aim involved.

Cadres of a particular party blindly follow the orders of leaders. The leaders use these cadres as the bodyguard for them. Invariably the close relatives of the leaders try to occupy the high positions of the party because they don’t cheat them. Thus a family set-up is formed in the party over time. If someone is not interested and opposes such system, quit the party and join another party. There are many such people who very often jump from one party to another. It is mostly on personal reasons.

Anyway, that is the reality in political parties. People, who run these parties like to divide the cadres. These divisions create unhealthy relationship and disharmony among the public. People should know the trick of the trade. But unfortunately, false expectations make them slaves to a particular party. Every party uses its strength by winning majority votes from the people. The people are convinced or influenced somehow by hook or crook and get their valuable votes. Once the party comes to power, people are forgotten. Whatever policy suitable for the party and its leader is implemented even the opposition oppose it. Although we are in a democratic setup following the law of the land, political parties do whatever they want.


Stress plays a key role in memory loss because it can interfere with your capacity to encode memory. Depending on the type of stress, it can cause acute as well as chronic changes in specific areas of your brain. This can affect short-term memory, long-term memory, explicit memory and implicit memory. The simplest way to reduce stress is by clearing your mind using relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises. They improve blood flow to the brain, relax muscles and put you in a peaceful state of mind. Another great way to relieve stress is to do things that you enjoy doing. Once you learn to control your stress better, you will notice an improvement in your memory and brain power.


1. See the good in your past. There will always be things that we wish had never happened;

there will always be bad memories and things that we regret. But they are part of who you are –

so accept that they have happened and celebrate the person they’ve allowed you to become.

2. Invest time in the things that bring you happiness. It’s important to identify the things
that you enjoy, and that make you come alive, and are all a part of “you”. Spending time on
those things will help to raise your self-esteem, as you’re valuing yourself when you pursue
3. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. We all make mistakes - and when we think of them we
cringe. But that doesn’t make you any worse than other people. Just try and learn what you can,
and then move on with your life.
4. Stop criticizing yourself. So often we’re really our own worst enemy. We look for our flaws,
and we put ourselves down – instead of being understanding of our own limitations. It’s time to
change that behavior – so start loving yourself.
5. Listen to your instincts and intuitions. If you want to love yourself, you must listen to
yourself. Pay attention to those instincts and your instant gut reaction – and trust that you are
right when you hear that inner voice.
6. Appreciate your life. Of course there are things that you wish that you could change. But
some things are good, and are worth appreciating. So, focus on, appreciate, and make lots of
your strengths.


Trust is a major part in the foundation of successful relationships. Hence, to build strong and relationships commit to working on the following:

1. Be Reliable. Even small things - like cancelling an arrangement or failing to follow through on a commitment you have made – will undermine and fracture the relationship. If this happens on a regular basis the whole foundation will crumble and fall.

2. Related to this, always strive to keep the promises you’ve made. Trust requires that people believe you are a person who’s dependable and reliable. If you have to break a promise then be decent enough to explain face-to-face why you have to let them down.

3. Tell the truth. It’s easy to resort to telling a white lie to protect another person, or to cover your back. But if you tell the truth even when it isn’t pleasant, you will become a person who is known for being trustworthy.

4. Volunteer information. When you have the chance to be vague – don’t take it. Instead be open and transparent, and share important details. Volunteering information says you’ve nothing to hide.

5. Don’t share other peoples’ secrets; don’t be someone who’s a gossip allowed – as we only feel we’re safe with a person who’s discreet. Remember: a confidence … is a confidence … is a confidence.

6. Display loyalty, and be there for that person. That shows that you are caring, dependable and “safe”.


People may hear your words but they feel your attitude – John C. Maxwell

Deep within every human being there still lives the anxiety over the possibility of being alone in the world. – Soren Kierkegaard

Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality overcomes everything. – George Lois


A doctor tells his wife, “You’re a terrible cook, you spent too much money, and you’re a lousy lover!”

Two weeks later, he comes home to find her making out with his parlour.

“What’s going on here?!” he demands.

“Just get a second opinion.” She replies.

“Did you hear what happened to Me?” one friend said to another. “He was seeing his doctor for six months because of chest pain and shortness breath. Last week he dropped dead from cancer.”

“That is terrible,” says the other friend.

“Well, I told him a hundred times to go see my doctor.”

“Is he any good?”

“Good? He’s the best! If he treats  you for heart problems... you’ll die of heart problems.”

I asked a young mother in our neonatal unit why she thought we had so many expectant mothers from her small town?

She said, “Well, we don’t have cable TV.”



Sleep is imperative for mental and emotional health. If you are sleep deprived, your brain will not be able to function at its full capacity. Sleep deprivation can compromise some of your basic skills, such as problem solving and creative and critical thinking skills. These skills are essential for helping you to make better decisions. According to researchers, losing three or four hours of sleep for just one night can negatively affect brain memory. Some researchers believe that sleeping for eight hours straight allows the brain to shift temporary memories to an area of the brain that is responsible for long-term memory.


Ø  Love and truth need to be experienced not just ‘know about.’

Ø  Love flourishes in giving and forgiving.

Ø  Love is a beautiful thing, only when it is returned.

Ø  Love is made up of intimacy, passion and commitment.

Don’t say anything you’ll regret.

Meet you next month –October, 2016


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 098422 42301